They told me to stay I did the opposite

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Tenten pov

So I opened my mouth to say something ...............

But before I could say anything he looked at me and said "everybody is where we're going so stop trying to ask question "he told me

Omg he can read minds.

We keeped walking we were in the village I can see were I was before talking to the hokage or whatever and being locked up at I looked ahead and I could see a building.

And we were going straight to it I guess that's were we are going but it looked a little weird.

When we got closer I could see chicken butt and Naruto out there and it looks like Naruto was bothering chicken butt.

When we got closer they looked over at us chicken butt nodded while Naruto said "hey neji" "hn" was all he said.

When we walked in I could see lee and Sakura he was and it looked like he was bothering her as well.

I feel bad for her in a way then we entered a room it looked weird there was a big machine in the room and half of something around it.

The machine looked like a half ball then I blacked out.
I knew this would happen I bet there going to put me in the machine.

1 hour later

Neji pov

"Did you find anything ibiki"
"No there's nothing here the farthest her memory goes is when she meet you and the others that are here now"he said

"Did you interrogate torture her "
"Yes she didn't talk "
"Alright...... Where is she now "
"She sitting down right now lee and Sakura are watching her "
"Alright if I find anything else about her I will report it "
He nodded and walked away

When I got outside lee was trying to flirt with Sakura and she was trying to ignore him

He looked at me and smiled
"Hello neji "
"Where tenten "
"She right over there neji"

I looked over and she was gone
"Lee she not there "
He looked over when he turned back around he looked disappointed in him self I'm guess because she got away

"I'm sorry neji I'll wast no time in trying to help and find her " is was he said before he took off
I looked at Sakura "did you really not see her sneak off "

"I was watching her the whole time until Lee got all up In my face and started to flirt with me and when I looked back she wasn't there I was trying to tell him he still didn't listen I was about to hit him until you came "
"Alright well let's go and try to find her"

Tenten pov

When I woke up again I was in another room and guy came in and asked me a few question but I never answered him.
He torture me it hurt but still didn't budge he gave up and took me where lee and Sakura was at and then he he said stay put.

'Yeah right like I'm going to stay put 'I thought I was still sores from the torture but it's Worth it.

Sakura was staring at me the whole time but the lee got in her way I took the chance to escape them.

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