Getting people mad

244 11 10

3rd pov

Temari started to wake up she was dizzy at first but then it slowly went away she stood up and the first thing she noticed that there was bars 'shit' she thought 'I must be in prison or something' she thought again the next thing she noticed was that the thing she had before wasn't with her then she started to think back"I met...those....people.....who thought i......was a up........WHAT  THE FUCK WHERE THE FUCK DID THEY TAKE ME" she screamed out loud

Temari herd a something behind her, she turned  around and saw tenten, she got up slowly temari went to go help her up and tenten did the same thing Teamri did tenten woke up from a loud noise she looked around she thought about everything that had happened  "then.....I ran into.........those....people.........who I fought......then.....they knocked me out....then I'm at .......this THE FUCK DID THEY TAKE ME" she said out loud

"I said the same thing thing"temari said
"what the fuck how did you get here "tenten said
"I could  ask you the same thing"temari said

"well I have a bracelet and I tried to open it because it have a little opening the was a bright light and next thing I know I was in a forest and I saw a little cottage and the lady was nice she gave me some food and water then I walk again and I see these people they were staring at me I thing they were looking for something then the next thing I knew they started to fight me I took all out expect for one then I black out and now I'm here......what about you?"tenten said

"hmmm same thing happened to me but I was walking on a pathway I also saw the some people was looking at me trying to find something then they  said something about rough ninja, I took most of them out except for 2 and I blacked out and couldn't move so now I'm here"Temari said. 

tenten was about to say something but then a guard came up to them and yelled "hey there up" he said the was another voice but it sounded very far away "then take one of them to lady hokage "

" come with me"he said looking at temari and opening the cell
temari just looked at him not moving "what are you waiting for move"
" never said please" "lets go please"he said with an impatient voice
"fiiiinnnne"she said with laziness

~With the Hokage~

shikamaru, neji and kazkage were in there they were discussing what to do with temari and tenten then the guard that took temari knocked on the door "yes what is it"tusande said "lady hokage the prisoner are here" he said but in the faint back round you can temari yell "bitch who you calling prisoner I have a fucking name would you like me to call the idiot guard who does nothing"  she said while she was saying that whole thing he had a vein poping out he was about to say something but then tusande said just bring here in you could faintly here him say "I should of brought the other one".

Once temari walked in all eyes were on her there was silence in the room "you know if your going to yell at me just do it"temari said "i'm not going to yell at you" tusnade said temari studied her then muttered"later you would".

"so tell why did you have weapons"she started
"Idon't know "temari said
"who is the other person with you "tusnade asked
"a girl"temari answered
"I know that but is she your allies or something"
"depends what did she do "temari asked

With tenten


No answer

" YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YA'LL I'LL JUST PLAY WITH THIS FUCKING ROCK A ROCK PEOPLE"tenten said while grabbing the rock and started to scrach the floor or wall to make it sharp

later a guard came to ask her some questions

Guard:"where do you live "he asked
tenten:" with my parents"I replied
Guard:"were do your parents live"he said again
tenten: "with me"I said
Guard:"were do you all live?"he said getting anger
teneten: "next to my with my neighbors"I said smiling
Guard:"where do you neighbours live"he started to yell
tenten: "you won't believe me if I told you"I said
Guard:"JUST TELL ME "he shouted
tenten :"next door to me" I said trying to hold my laughter in

and with that he left very angry

"WELL AT LEAST YOU ENTERTAINED ME"Tenten shout to make sure he heared it

Back to the hokage office

"you both are rouge ninja"neji said
"how can you amuse were that were rouge ninja" temari said
"simple you have weapons that you used on us"shikamaru said in his usually lazy voice
"oh that explains nothing to me but who cares can I go back now"temari whined
"No now tell me where you from the LAND of fire,wind,water,rock,lightning,iron,snow,sound or sky"
"um.....rock"temari hesitated
"no your not"shikamaru said
"oh yeah smart guy how do you know"temari said getting angry
"simple you hesitated and your weapons are the same to the ones they had in the sand and your friend and our weapons are kinda similar we have here in the leaf " shikamaru said

"well that's just weird right I didn't even know that"temari said
"right well your not in the bingo book so tell me your name"gaara said
"no"temari said with anger
"why not"neji asked annoyed
"because your a stranger"she said with a smirk
"no i'm not i'm the kazkage "
"and I give a shit because"

"that no way to speak to the kazkage"neji said
"oh be quite girly boy"
"guards put this girl back in the cell and bring me the other one "tusnade said giving up on the girl that was right in front of her 
"you know you need to get ride of the anger issue and booze isn't going to help"temari said while she was being dragged out but tusnade wasn't listing to a word because she was talking to the kazkage.

back with tenten

Tenten has gotten the rock to sharpen she put in her pocket because she herd foot steps coming.

she saw temari the guard opened the door and had let temari go in the guard "you come with me "he said pointing at tenten "why"she said "because the hokage wants to see you "he said "well than what's she waiting for" "haha now come "he said with sarcasm  "tch fine "


Holaaa peeps

thanks for reading
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