Things just happened

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Tenten's pov

'Damn I'm going to be late this is all Eva fault she just wanted me to walk her to class and now I need An excuse 'I thought as I waked to class not in a rush I mean what's the point I'm already late.

Tenten was close to getting to her class she knew when she opened the door people are going to start to look at her 'oh well' she thought as she  opened the door.

"tenten your late"my teacher said
"me late nooo I thought I was early to this hell hole you call school" tenten said with a smirk
"just sit down "he said in class she was bored as usual until she saw Eva enter with some other students behind her and a teacher was last to come in.

"class we have another class who going to join us today"he said
"Alright go find a sit"the other teacher said

Good thing I always sit by my self now my Eva can sit with me.

The teacher gave us work so I just talked to Eva then my teacher looked at me and said
"I assume that all that talking your done "
"And I assume with all that whining your single"I said I think he got angry whoops some people snicker.

'Damn one more mess up and I might leave he class well I never liked this class so I don't care much' I thought

~A little later~

Well Eva class left and now I'm bored and now we have to take out our books 'crap I left them at home damn oh well this was going to happen sooner or later'.

"tenten where are you books"he said
"at home"I said
"and what are they doing there"he asked me
"having more fun than me"I end it with a smirk

And now i'm out of the classroom oh well might as well walk around the school's halls until the bell rings.

temari's pov

Me and rin were walking to class and just when we stepped in the bell rung 'damn I wanted to be late oh well 'I thought I went to go sit down and rin sat right next to me.

A few minutes later

I was talking to rin while the teacher was talking she called out me my name oh god why me.
"temari why are you talking in the middle of my class"she said every one stopped and looked at me
"why are you teaching in the middle of my conversation"I said everyone either laughed, smirked,or grin
she glared at me and started to talk again.

As you can see she doesn't like me I have 3 strikes and that the end of that 3 I either go out the classroom or go to the principle office which I never go to.

"okay everyone give me you homework"she said
'rises my hand'
"yes temari what is it"she said
"would I get in trouble for something I didn't do"I said
"of course not"she said
"well then I didn't do my homework"I said

she got red so it's either anger or embarrassed to even have me as a student nope it's just anger.


We all have ruler's and were measuring thing I was doing nothing but talking to rin when the teacher came to me and pointed with the rule she said "at the end of this ruler is an idiot "

I went to the principle office when I said "which end" I walked out of the class room I could her everyone laughing I didn't bothered to go I already know he's just going to lecher me so there's no point.

I wonder around until the bell rang I looked around the halls there was a girl with 2 buns on her head. I've seen her get into fights with barbie it's funny she has nice comebacks I think her name is tenten okay now time to go to gym under the bleachers so I can sleep or something .

I went to the gym to where I normally sit but when I got there some was already there. In my spot damn well I Should just go anyways.

'someone was coming I thought no one ever sat here damn' tenten thought she looked to see who was coming she saw no one and sat back down.

Someone screamed "boo" tenten jumped and fell on the ground.  I looked up and saw a girl with four ponytails I think her name was temari I stood up and looked at her.

No one's pov
temari and tenten looked at each other for a moment "do I know you from somewhere "they both said "aren't you that girl that doesn't take shit from no one" tenten said "and aren't you the one that talks back" temari said "yup"the both said together and grinned at each other.  

After that they talked and told each other why they weren't in class and just waiting for the bell to ring.

3rd pov

Barbie was walking and not looking to where she was going with her minions right behind her and then someone bumped into her (can you guess you it is.........if you guess temari and tenten your right it's both)it was temari and tenten.

"watch where your going bitch I almost fell and this is a new outfit"jenny said with anger
"oh I sorry i'm not I don't care about you at all"temari said with annoyance
"yea we almost fell as well bitch"tenten said while there a crowed forming and looking at them
"ah you think I care about you well I don't I only care about me"jenny said as she pointed at her self
"that explain your bitchy attitude all the time or its just you on your period all the time "temari said smirking while kids were laughing

"you know temari some babies were dropped on there heads she clearly was thrown at the wall"tenten said while pointing at jenny
"you asshole I was not dropped as a baby my parents loved me but I don't think yours did because they left you"jenny said with a smirk as well as her minions.

"you really are a bitch here's other little poem that relates to you roses are red violets are blue I have finger the middle one's for you" tenten said while putting her middle finger up as well as temari.

At this point jenny tried to punch tenten but tenten quickly moved out of the way her minions tried to the same to temari but none of them could land a hit Temari went over to Jenny and grabbed her by arm twisted it and put pressure on her elbow.

Jenny wined out in pain her minions stop trying to hit Temari and tenten everyone was so loud cheering for tenten and Temari the teachers started to come everyone ran even the ones that were fighting.

'Well that was suprising I don't know if jenny was talking about Tenten/Temari or me when she said Something about my parent 'both of them thought


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Hoped you enjoyed it




BYE guyysss~~

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