These bitches and man whore

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Once school was done tenten and temari went to there dojo to go train but in different dojo's
After that they went home.

Tentens POV

"I'm home"tenten said
"Welcome home did you get home safely"her mother said
"No I got shot on the way here"tenten said
"I get it you got home safe "she said
"Okay I'm going up stairs now"

"Finally I'm home and away from that hell of a school now I can use my weapons as much as I want YAY!"I said with joy

A little later I took a break from my target practice I look at the thing that my real family left me it was a kunai a bracelet and a scroll but the scroll had nothing in it I was just blank.

Temari POV

"Home"temari said as she shut the door
"how was school"mother said
"obviously not enough because I have to go back"I said with a bored expression
"Oh well hey go clean your room were having guest over tonight"mom said
"Really I didn't know were having dinner in my room"I said with a smirk
"Don't get smart with me"she warned
"Fine"I said

I went in my room and the first thing that came to me was my weasel another thing that her real family left me I petted him and went to bed and turned on the TV he followed me and layed right next to me.

There was a knock on the door I turned of the TV and went down stairs to see who it was.

It was a mother, a father, a girl which is another whore that hangs around jenny and a brother which is a man whore that goes to my school I really hate that cocky baster.

'Yay I'm really looking forward to this dinner tonight' can you sense my sarcasm.

Tenten's pov

"Tenten why is there cloths all over your room"my mother said scaring the living daylight out of me I was just laying down and thinking about random thing then she comes out of nowhere like what the fuck.

"First of all if you just knock and came in without my permission there's no need to knock also if your just going to come in anyways without my permission there's no need to knock,and second of all it called gravity that's why thing and cloths are on the floor "I said

"Alright,alright I get it anyways your brother is here with a guest"she said
"Oh no if its him it might be a slut for all we know" I said
"Excuse me but your brother will never bring one of those girl here now come there already here"mother said

'Get ready to eat your own words mother because I can smell her fake ass perfume from here' I thought while walking out in the hall way and down the stairs

When I got down stairs the first thing I saw was blond hair 'great she here I knew it' then when he opened the door fully my bro was holding hand with a slut.

"Hello Mrs. and Mr.Ross "the slut said in a sweet voice but all I herd was "blah blah blah i'm a stupid whore"

"Oh hello there Tenten nice to see you again"the slut said with a fake smile
"You two know each other"my father said
"Yeah she's that slut that everyone talks about it hard not to listen in"I said with a smirk
"Tenten that's rude"mother said
"Sorry I didn't know it was be nice to animals day"I said
"Oh wait that's offensive to animals"I said again
"Tenten"father said
"Okay okay I'm sorry........not"I said mumbling the last part
"Okay everyone lets eat"my mother said happily
"Alright "said my brother

Temari pov

Everyone was talking and I'm just here like Can we get this over with already so I can leave.

"Temari are you okay you haven't eaten your food"my mother said witch made everyone here look at me

"Just not hungry maybe we can just give it to the pig"I said
"Temari we don't have a pig" my father said confused
"Are you sure because she eating like a pig and he IS a pig"I said while pointing at the slut and the man whore
"Bitch"Kayla mumbled yup that's her name Kayla and her brother is Kevin
"I'm sorry I'm not a bitch but I think you are because you just love that doggie filter on snap chat"I said
"Okay temari that's enough"both my parents said
"Yeah you to Kayla calm down "her dad said
"Fine"we both said

During that little moment I saw kevin looking at me and smirking which creeped me out a bit then when we all started to eat again his foot touched my leg and stated to go up and down I looked at him and glared.

He didn't stop so I went along with it I looked back at and him his smirk never left and I can tell he was getting cockier of course the parents were talking so when his foot touched my foot again I lifted my leg fast and stepped on his foot.

After that he the screamed out in pain this time I was smirking because now everyone was looking at him and me.

"Temari what did you do "my father said
"Just taught him a lesson"I said
"That's it go to your room "he said
"Okay I like my room"I said happily
"Never mind stay here"he said because he thought he won
"Never liked my room anyways"I said and sat right back down
"Damn it how am I going to punish you"he said
"You can't that the whole point of me getting in trouble"I said
"Hey mother where's the little one"I said
"Oh she's at a sleep over"she said
"Oh okay"I said

After that little indecent it was time for them to leave anyways so once they were out of the house we had to say good bye so I said.

"Bye I hope you never come back again and if you do I won't be joining dinner"I said and went to my room fast so I don't have to get lectured me again yup I did this more then one time.

I looked at my weasel he was still sleeping so I looked at my bracelet that my real parent gave to me it looked like it could open so I tried to open it.

Tenten POV

Ugh dinner is so boring even with bimbo over here trying to be a goodie goodie but I can't take it any more it's so annoying.

"-En ten tenten"brother said
"What "I said annoyed
"Jenny just ask you a question"mother said
"Fine let's here this so called questions"I said
"Why aren't you eating your food you should eat it good for you"she said
"I'm sorry you must mistaken me for someone who gives a shit.....if your that hungry then have my food you fatass"Tenten said
"Tenten that's rude"father said
"Not trying to be nice"I rolled my eyes
"Well I'm glad I can see you again after such a long day"the slut said trying to keep her anger down"I saw you today at school where you tried to beat up me and my friend up but you couldn't what you forgot already?"

"Okay that's enough Tenten be quite and jenny shut the fuck up"brian said

We ate in silent the rest of the night when it was time for the slut to leave I yell at her to "never come back" and then ran to my room and started to the throw kunai at my target after a few hours I went to look at my bracelet I saw that you can open it so I tried to open the bracelet.

No one's POV

Both temari and Tenten are trying to open there bracelet at the same time but what they didn't know is that the bracelet are magical they both saw an opening that they both didn't see before which confused them both cause they looked at the bracelet about a hundred times.

They got it open but couldn't see any thing because there was a big light temari weasel was right next to her while she was doing this and her little fan as for Tenten her weapons were with her the last thing they saw were there thing with them.


Cliffhanger lol anywayyysss
Thanks for reading





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