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Temari pov

'Just great I'm going somewhere with strangers with nobody I know 'I though pineapple head and them were talking I was just staring at a tree then the waved a hand in front of my face I snapped out of my thoughts "what do you want "I asked "we're leaving now let's go" the blond one said I think her name was Ino.

We started to walk into the forest I felt like they were just going to leave me there then out of no where they all jumped I looked around so fucking confused I gave up looking for them I was about to walk away until I herd a noise I looked up to see that red headed guy I think his name was gaara looked down from the tree I didn't see anyone with him I guess they went ahead 'damn if only I was faster I could of gone away ' "are you coming "he said in a very deep voice "how the hell am I supposed to get up there "I said loudly.

Next thing I know was being lifted from the ground with sand 😱 I was so confused at this point but I think I could solve it out later. He put me on the tree branch and then this guy say "jump" and then have the nerve to push me of the branch I don't know how I did it but I made it to the other branch and do you know how long of jump that is its really far then I keeped jumping because I was kinda afraid if I stopped I would fall face flat on the ground then gaara came but he wasn't jumping he was on sand that was floating ...NOT FUCKING FAIR...... I wanna do that. We went a little further and I saw the rest of the group I went past them because I didn't want to stop the wind felt so nice against my skin.
"We need to to stop here "the guy said again I looked and it was the guy who was always eating chips I think his name was Choji.
"Okay "I said not wanting to argue my head started to hurt once I stepped on the ground I blacked out I couldn't even tell if I fell on the ground or someone caught me me oh well just have to wait until I wake up.

Flash back

A little girl about 9 years old with her mom and dad at the park the little girl was playing with another little girl that her parents knew and the parents were watching her. Her mom was helping her younger brother with his cut because he fell and talking to another women and her father was kazakage he was also talking to another man she looked very happy until a man came up to there daughter. The girls ran back to her fathers the little girls went to her mothers and hugged her like if  something bad was going to happen the stranger and there  fathers talked he had on a serious face and so did her fathers.

After they were done talking they went home the little boy fell asleep and the parents talked the little girl was in her room her mother came in and looked sad "mommy what's going on why are you sad "the little girl said "nothing honey but....we have to pack your bag " "why mommy" the little girl said "for something special"her mom lied "okay"the little girl smiled the mom knowing she might never see her daughter again hugged her very tight the little girl hugged back.

When they were done her father looked at her trying not to be sad gave her a smile and of course she smiled back then her parents took out something it looked like a bracelet and opened it like if it was a lock they put a Picture in there then there was a little and the little girl had to close her eyes because the light was very bright the next thing she know is that she was grabbed by the arm and took somewhere when she opened her eyes she was In front of a door with no body but her self and her things.

End of flash back
(Btw temari parents are in the leaf)

"-ri -mari temari " a guy called out
"What do you want "I said I said with annoyance because my head hurts really bad.

"Are you okay "the blonde girl said
"I'm okay let's just keep going "I aid
"But you stil-"she stopped I looked back and saw pineapple head shaking his head say that it's no use just let it go'.

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