10. Nightmare (Sky Nightmare)

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   A hand dripping with blood was out stretched torwards me, as I ran blindly into darkness. I heard a male voice speaking to me softly.  

"Come to me."said the voice."Come to me!" 

I tried to run harder but I kept tripping over unseen objects,and then I hit something. My whole body had just crashed into what felt like a wall,and I couldn't move. I was paralized. I shook as a cloaked figure came closer to me. I was crying now and each breath was painful.  

"Awaken now my dear child."said the cloaked figure as he placed his hand on my forehead. "It's not your time... but lets see if you can try to beat me." 

I screamed out in pain. It felt as if my mind was being split open, and I couldn't think anymore. It was getting darker, darker until finally I blacked out. 

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