7. My Friends Join Me at the Library (Sky P.O.V.)

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    I was hoping that Jacobs return would be quick, but so far he hasn't returned. It's been a few hours now, and i was starting to wonder if he was ever going to come. He could have been lying to me, and he probably just got tired of listening to me, or maybe he thought that i was such a nerd that he couldn't stand me. I sighed. School would be getting out soon, and eventually I'd be sitting around with my friends. I got up and stretched for a few minutes, and before long my friends had entered the library. 

"Hey," said Candy cheerfully, "Just what I got on my history test." She moved her eyebrows up and down, and she winked and started making faces at me.  

"You aced it?" I replied disbelievingly, "You finally aced your History test?!" I wrapped her up in a ginormous bear hug. "I told you that all those late night studying would eventually payoff!!" 

"Right after we leave the library we'll go celebrate and have hot coco while doodling and making funny jokes until our stomach starts to hurt." Candy looked really excited, but when i didn't acknowledge her she began to frown. She put her hands on her hips and stared at me. "Okay, girl what's wrong?" 

"Nothing." I said quickly. I looked around at my other friends. "Sooo, how was the rest of school?" 

"Hmmmmm," said Roxie looking at a strand of hair that had been highlighted on with yellow highlighter. "Define rest of to me because I'm not sure I was there."  

"Roxie!" I exclaimed shacking my head. "Do you like missing school? Do you want to be a smarter person? I thought you promised that you were going to go to school every day now, and not skipping out!" 

Roxie bowed her head in shame. "At least I was being honest." 

I smiled. "Fine. I'm going to act as if this conversation didn't even happen."  

Roxie smiled, as she looked over to the entrance to the library. She looked at me and her smile got even bigger. "Theirs that Goth guy that you were showing around school today and look he even has a little sister." 

I turned around and saw Jacob holding the hand of a little girl.  

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