Well Kept Secret

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"Sun, hurry up! We're going to be late!" Hau yelled a the top of his lungs as he waited outside for his friend. Sun quickly gathered the rest of his items and ran outside to join the impatient boy.

"Sorry, I should be ready now." Sun informed as he walked out the door.

"Awesome!" Hau cheered, jumping up and down. "Now we can go visit the new Malasada shop that opened up recently!"

"I seriously doubt that they will run out before we get there." Sun informed.

"You never know." Hau replied, desperate to head off.

"It's ten in the morning." Sun reminded. "They aren't going to run out yet."

"Can at least head out now?" Hau asked. Sun nodded and they started walking down the street. The store was only a few minutes away from Sun's house which Hau was super excited about because it meant he didn't have to go all the way into town to get malasadas anymore. The store was a while away from where Hau lived but he spent most of his time at Sun's house anyway. 

"I'm really surprised you wanted me to come with you to try this new shop." Sun informed. "I would have thought you would die if you didn't go the moment you found out."

"Well you are my best friend so I thought it would be great if I could share this with you!" Hau replied smiling. They reached the store and headed in. Sun simply ordered the ordinary malasada however Hau took about ten minutes to decide what he wanted before eventually choosing several different flavours.

"Eating all those will upset your stomach." Sun warned as he watched the boy devour the treats. 

"No they won't." Hau replied through mouthfuls of pastry. "I'm a pro at eating these." Sun simply rolled his eyes. They finished their meals and headed back to Sun's house. Hau was staying over the weekend as usual and they were ready to have the time of their lives. Between their usual pokemon battles and video games there was a lot for the boys to do. Hau and Sun were both eagerly discussed what they would do once they reached Sun's house when Hau felt a sudden pain in his gut, he held his stomach tight and groaned in pain. 

"What's wrong?" Sun asked. 

"I think the malasadas aren't agreeing with me." Hau replied. He started jogging towards the house as he knew he was about to either vomit or shit his stomach out. They reached the house and Hau raced to the bathroom, he felt his stomach grow even more painful and he opened the door. He quickly closed the door and locked it but just as he did his bowls let out and all the malasadas evacuated. Hau took of his pants and looked down at the diaper he had strapped to his waist. The diaper was filled to the max in poo and stunk like anything. 

Hau had been wearing diapers his entire life. He was potty trained and could use a toilet but he often doesn't realise that he needs to go until the last minute, sometimes he doesn't even realise that he went as evident by the yellow tint at the front of the diaper. Since he never seemed to make it to the toilet in time he always wore diapers in case he soiled himself, it was one of his most heavily guarded secrets and not even Sun knew about it.

"Hey Hau, you ok?" Sun yelled from the bathroom door. 

"Yeah, I am." Hau replied. "I'll only be a minute!" 

"I hate to say it but I told you so." Sun yelled. Hau took off his bag and opened up one of the pockets, inside the pocket were several baby supplies and a stack of diapers. He laid on the ground and began to untape his diaper, after cleaning himself off he grabbed a fresh diaper and fastened it on. He stared at the dirty diaper for a moment before placing it in a plastic bag and putting it in his bag. He opened the bathroom door after packing up and headed out. While Sun was busy spraying deodorant in the bathroom Hau snuck outside and threw the diaper in the garbage bin.

"So what do you suggest we do now?" Hau asked. 

"Well for starters no more malasada for you today." Sun replied. Hau pouted but knew it would be better. "I guess we could go and play some video games." Hau nodded and they headed into Sun's room. When they opened the door they were greeted by a Rowlet and Litten. Rowlet was Hau's partner pokemon while Litten was Sun's, they decided to leave them at the house while they visited the store. The two played games until they were called to dinner, after eating they headed back to the room to get ready to sleep. After entering the room Sun began to immediately strip down to get his PJs on. Sun and Hau had been friends for so long that he felt no shame in being naked around Hau, Hau felt the same way however he wasn't confident enough to reveal his diaper to Sun so he often headed into the bathroom to change in private.

After getting changed they played more games for a few hours before going to sleep. Sun slept in his own bed while Hau was given a mattress on the floor to sleep on. Sun's mother came to check on the two boys to make sure they were asleep and sure enough they were. She remembered back to when they were little and Hau used to sleep over. They didn't have the extra mattress back then and both boys were extremely scared of the dark so they both cuddled up on Sun's bed. She used to love watching them sleep together, it was so cute. She closed the door and headed to bed herself.

The next day Hau awoke to the sun's rays shining brightly through the window. He looked up at the clock on Sun's bedside table and it read 5:04am. Hau was always a super early waker, much earlier than Sun who could sleep in till 3 in the afternoon if he stayed undisturbed. Hau pulled out his blanket and stood up before lowering his pants, by the looks of his diaper he was slightly messy and completely soaked. He wasted no time grabbing his bag and headed to the bathroom to change. When he exited he smelt the delicious aroma of bacon and eggs coming from the kitchen. After disposing of his used diaper he poked his head in where he saw Sun's mother cooking. 

"Morning Hau, you're up early." Sun's mum greeted. 

"Morning. Yeah, that's me! The early riser!" Hau replied smiling. Sun's mother did know that Hau wore diapers and a kid and on multiple occasions was the one to change him but he didn't think she knew he still wore diapers and she was told he out grew them.

"I've almost finished cooking so could you go wake up Sun?" She asked.

"Of course." He answered with dread. There are few things in this world that almost guarantee certain death to all who attempt them, waking up Sun was one of the more dangerous ones. Sun is a lot of things: kind, funny, charming, generous, but a morning person was definitely not one of them. Hau walked into the room and looked down at the sleeping boy, he could hear his light snore that was telling Hau to leave him sleep or else. Hau backed away from the boy in fear and peed a little into his diaper. Hau once foolishly shook Sun awake one morning because he was bored with waiting for him to get up, big mistake, Sun replied by picking up the boy and throwing him out the window. Hau never tried waking up Sun again.

Hau cautiously picked up a broom and poked Sun from a safe distance. Sun began to turn in his sleep so Hau poked him once more before running out of the room as fast as he could. He raced into the kitchen and sat down at the table where Sun's mother was laying out the food. 

"So is Sun coming?" She asked. 

"He should be out in a moment." Hau replied. About a minute later Sun walked through the door and sat next to Hau, he still looked about half awake and slightly angry. "Hey Sun! I hope you slept well!" Hau cheered. Sun replied by hitting Hau over the head lightly. 

"So what do the two of you have planned?" Sun's mum asked. 

"Well..." Hau started to explain.

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