You're Mine, Only Mine.

Start from the beginning

I can't believe this, I hung up.. I don't have time for this.

I went back in, "sorry about that."

"It's okay, so have you thought about it?"

"Uhh, lets talk about that later."

For almost an hour I sat there, while she ate her salad like a bird and talked about herself. -_-

I like a girl with a appetite, Yvonne ate more than me sometimes..

"Alright. Lets go." I got up from the table, leaving the bill and a tip in the center.

The valet brought our car up, "Where to next?"

"I am dropping you off at your hotel."

"What? Already?"

I nodded, the rest of the ride was silent. I stopped in front of the entrance of the hotel "Can you walk me to my room?"

"I ordered one of my men to do so. He is waiting inside for you."

Finally, I got rid of Rose after a long day of her continuously talking! I need to talk to Yvonne, I can't do this. After 7 calls she finally answered,

"What Dominick?"

"Be ready, I'm coming to get you."

I hung up not giving her the chance to protest. I had my men find her location as soon as she left the company.

When I pulled up to the hotel, I got out the car about to hand my keys to the valet. Then I saw Yvonne run out of the front doors, her face was bright red..

I grabbed her wrist, "Get in the car." I opened the passenger door for her and she didn't even protest but got right in.

The whole drive was silent, She smelled like Eddy. His scent was all over her, my heart cringed at the thought of him touching her!

We walked inside, I took her coat off. We glanced at eachother she smiled and disappeared in the bathroom.

I changed and turned on the t.v, Yvonne came out with red sweat pants and a black tank top.

I could still smell Eddy all over her, "Why is his scent all over you?"

She looked down and sniffed herself, then nodded.

"I asked you a question."

         Yvonne's P.O V

It was so awkward, I tried to not even look at him. Until he broke silence, " Why is his scent all over you?"

What do I say? How do I say it?

**Flash Back**

I felt the tip of his teeth sink into my neck. "What the Fuck?!" I screamed

He smiled, "Don't try to act like you don't want this Yvonne! We connect and you know it. I know we can learn to love each other."

I shook my head, "I'm so stupid! Eddy I'm sorry if I gave you that idea but I can't do this!"

"Yvonne! Don't lie to yourself! You don't want to be Dominick's mate.. You saw how he is! He is nothing but a heartless monster."

"Get out!!" I pulled on his arm, shoving him out and locking the door.

"Go ahead, You can act like you are okay with Dominick all you want! But we both know that Dominick is not who you think he is. He is manipulating you and lying to you Yvonne!"

A couple hours passed, the banging became silent. I couldn't get Eddy's words out of my head, what did he mean about Dominick manipulating me and lying? Was he just saying that? I'm so confused.

About another hour passed, when I got a call from Dominick.

**Flash Back Ends**

"He took me to the hotel in his car." I struggled saying.

"No, thats a strong scent, physical scent." He growled.

I couldn't lie anymore, my wolf pushed me to blurt out the truth. "He almost marked me." I whispered, I felt his hot breath on my neck.

His hands pushed my hair back, he tilted my neck to get a better view.

"He didn't though, why?"

"I pushed him away."

"Hm. Lay down and go to sleep. We'll talk in the morning." His voice deepened and trailed off at the end.

He grabbed his keys off the table, and pointed at the bed.

"NOW Yvonne!"

"Can we talk now?" I shuddered

"About what!? The fact that you are my mate but you just ran off to Fuck my cousin! Or the fact that I'm Alpha and I'm letting my Love for you be my weakness! Or maybe the part where You're suppose to be Mine, Only Mine!" I could hear his heavy breathing and growls.

The tears streamed down my face, "I'm sorry, but what about you huh? You went on a date with another girl and thought nothing of it?!"

" I could care less about other girls Yvonne and I told you that."

"Dominick, but how is it okay for you to do stuff like that and not me!"

"Yvonne,  I didn't touch this girl though.. and I had no intent to.. What about you?"

"Dominick, that's not fair!"

"Yvonne, you're on punishment!" He growled.


"Yeah, also I don't want you ever talking to Eddy again!!" He yelled in a serious tone.

"He's lucky you stopped me from leaving or he'd be dead right now!"

"Yes Alpha, I understand."

"Little mate, Your punishments start tomorrow!"

"Whats my punishment?"

" You'll see." He picked me up, tossing me on the bed and laying down next to me.


I know what you're thinking... But let the story continue. I am so happy that I can get some feedback from you guys! You are all the best and don't you forget it!

Sorry again for the long and ridiculous wait. So So So Sorry..

Anyway  Please Comment, Vote, Follow and continue to read!! Love you guys!!!

<3 Destiny

My Boss, My Alpha. (In progress)Where stories live. Discover now