New Year's Surprise (Prince Imagine)

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~ New Year’s Surprise ~


A groan escaped my lips as I dragged my slightly sweaty palm across my face. The loss of sleep from the past few days was beginning to take it’s toll on me; Christmas being an extremely festive occasion with my family. Despite the drop in temperature outside, the heat circulating around the intricately patterned room was sweltering me. The faint sound of classical music did little to soothe my nerves, and I found myself hiding behind my hands for a number of minutes. 

The distinct chuckle of Rayan sounded behind me as he placed a firm hand on my shoulder. 

"Look, you can do this" he assured, leaning back onto the plush velvet seating. 

I sighed, hauling myself to my feet and slipping my jacket off to cool down. The woman behind the glass counter smiled politely as I scanned the rows of diamond rings, all of them different colours, shapes and sizes.

"Will Y/N even want a diamond?" I questioned, streaming my thoughts out loud.

"I’m sure she will" Ray responded, sipping on the cool champagne the fancy shop had supplied him with, "Every girl loves a diamond".

"But there’s so many.." I whined, leaning closer to study each rings unique design. 

Price wasn’t a problem, but I was overwhelmed by the amount of choice. During the Christmas celebrations, I had decided that now would be the perfect time to ask Y/N a question which had been brewing over in my mind for months now. I knew within the first few months of our relationship my life would never be the same without her. Spending the last few days together had only finalised my decision, and along with the help of Ray, I was to propose to her on the countdown of New Year’s Eve. 

"Ray you’re not even helping! I should of brought a girl with me…they’d probably have more of a clue" 

"Look man," he laughed, placing the glass down and stepping beside me. 

"She’s gonna love anything you pick. She trusts you and she loves you anyway, getting the perfect ring is only a bonus" 

Another sigh left my mouth as I lightly chewed on my lip, something I always did when nervous or in deep thought. The woman behind the counter was rambling on, but everything she said was going in one ear and out of the other. 

As if by miracle, I spotted a deep blue gem with two smaller diamonds sitting either side of it. 

"Ahh" the woman grinned, "The sapphire…I see you want to stray from the more traditional diamonds" 

I nodded, smiling slightly as she took it from display and lay it in front of me. From the corner of my eye I saw Ray smile and nod, taking in the beauty of the white gold ring. 

"Yeah…that’s the one" 

After waiting another 20 minutes for the words “I love you” to be engraved on the inside, we were on our way out. The small black box fitting neatly in my inside coat pocket to avoid suspicion. 

"Man I can’t believe you’re finally growin’ the balls to ask her" Rayan teased, throwing a brotherly arm around my shoulder. 

"And trust me when I say you made the right choice, with Y/N as your woman and the ring” 


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