Don't Jump (Prince Imagine)

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~ Don’t Jump ~

(Y/N)’s POV

I slowly stepped onto the roof, tense and apprehensive. My heart was beating out of my chest and my mind was racing at 100 miles per hour. The cold air pierced my skin bringing attention to the fact I had not picked a jacket up in my hurry.

His timid frame stood by the edge of the roof, his fingers tangled in his hair out of frustration. 

"Jacob" my voice broke as I called out to him. He spun around and looked at me, his brown eyes wide and manic. 

"Y-Y/N" he stuttered. My eyes flooded with tears as I realised how damaged he was over this. It made me sick realizing I was the main reason for his distress. He was going to jump because of me. 

"W-why are you here?" 

Behind me I could hear a police officer lowly telling me to be careful and to not upset him as they didn’t want to push him over the edge. I ignored him and took slow steps forward, reaching my arms out towards him. “Jacob…step away from the edge…please” 

Below him, a crowd of on-lookers had formed, peering up to see whether this really was a suicide attempt. 

"No" he objected, "No, I can’t do that" 

I stepped closer, nearing the gap between us and leaving the officers and paramedics far behind me. “Stay there, don’t come any closer” 

Tears brimmed his eyes as he tugged on his curls. 

"Jacob, stop, don’t do this" I pleaded, taking another step. 

"Come any closer and I will jump!" he shouted, his tone strained. 

If my heart was not already broken, it would be tearing right now. 

"Please Jake…you don’t have to do this" 

His eyes were filled with so many emotions: anger, sadness, guilt and love. He paused before saying the words I was dreading to hear. 

"I’m doing this for you…I’ve messed up, I’ve hurt you…I can’t live with myself for that”

"Killing yourself won’t make that better! That will hurt me even more!" I yelled, infuriated with the fact he thought I would be okay if he was gone.

"But you left me!" His voices tone matched mine, "You left me like everyone else did. I only had you, and you left me" 

Deciding now was not the time to mention he had cheated multiple times, I looked down, hot tears dropping onto my shirt. 

"Don’t cry" he whispered, his voice breaking as well, "Don’t cry, I still love you" 

That only made my tears fall harder and I sobbed into my hands. Officers started to move towards me but he screamed at them to stay back. 

"(Y/N) please…" I looked up at him, his eyes were soft and kind like the ones I once knew, no longer manic like they had previously been. 

"I’m here because I still care" I spoke, answering his previous inquiry, "I still love you"

*ring ring*


'(Y/N) it's Jacob'

'Mel, you know I'm not with him any-'

'He's on top of my restaurant roof, he's gonna jump!'

The restaurant of our first date. The restaurant we went to for our 3 year anniversary. 

"Jacob please, step away from the edge, come to me" I held my arms out for him as he ran his hands through his hair once again, looking back and towards the cold concrete ground far below. 

"I promise I won’t leave you, I forgive you, Please don’t hurt me like this" 

He turned around and looked at me, “I’m not trying to hurt you”

I took my chance and walked towards him. 

"No (Y/N), stay back" 

Except now, I didn’t see the crazy look in his eyes, I didn’t see someone who had the guts to jump. I saw a broken boy who made a few mistakes and needed someone to be there for him. I saw a boy who was deeply in love with me, but I had been blind to see it. 

I shook my head and walked right up to him, pulling him into my arms as he broke down. He buried his face into my neck and I rubbed his back, crying with him. 

Officers ran over and tore him from me, placing him in hand cuffs. 

"NO!" he shouted whilst being restrained. I pushed away from the officers near me and knelt down to the floor they had pushed him against. Cradling his face in my hands, I kissed him. 

"They’re gonna be looking after you for a little while. I’ll see you again soon. Trust me baby, we’ll get through this together. I’ll never leave you again"


(Sorry it’s long….and depressing…)

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