Bite Me

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I had never been more afraid in my entire life than I was in that single moment. The moment where I had to actually question my rationality and the decisions that brought me to such an evil and sensuous place. Although I don't think I could ever be more terrified, never once did I consider leaving nor did I second guess my presence there. The desire I had attempted to conceal for so long, desperately trying to reject into nonexistence had showed its deepest, darkest colors, and it was no longer something I could ignore. 

Relationships of any kind, whether they be sexual or platonic, between humans and vampires are not only illegal, but considered the most vile, disturbing and mentally sickening situations anyone could get themselves into. People compared it to a low life demon and an arch angel becoming fuck buddies; It was unholy and against God. When vampires had come out of hiding after 3000 years, they tried to fit in with the people around them, tried to behave as normal as possible, like real, living people.

However, after a string of attacks started to pile up, people began to fear the worst. Having vampires freely roaming the night maybe wasn't the best idea. There were protests of course, people who rallied with stakes and crosses threatening to "Fucking rip apart any goddamned blood sucker who dares to show his face!"

Most people ignored them of course. Making assumptions about an entire species based upon a few ill behaved ones wasn't going to do anyone any good. That kind of mind set belonged in the days of slavery. It was when the first video was released however, when things really took a turn for the worst.

I was 16 or 17 when the news first broke about an inter-species porn tape that had been floating around the internet. Videos like that had always been around. It was always some sicko trying to fuck a horse or give her pet turtle a blowjob, but not this time. Oh no, this time it was humans and vampires who shared a bed. The news spread like wildfire, especially in my small Catholic school. Everyone seemed to be interested in the topic. 

"I saw the video!" Some loud mouth in our class had said. He chuckled. "It was so fucking obvious it was two vamps fucking each other. One of them was wearing makeup to look more, you know, like a real person." 

"Shut the fuck up Kim, the fuck do you know?" Another had yelled.

It seemed like anyone who claimed to had seen it described a different scene than the last, which only told me that the video didn't actually exist. My friend, Yoongi was quite vocal on the whole matter. 

"Vampires are fucking disgusting." We were out for lunch one day after we had finished our  final exams. "If one of those bastards ever tries to get anywhere near me, I'll fucking rip its teeth out and bury it alive." I didn't know why he or anyone else for that matter had such a problem with vampires honestly. Sure their trademark silver eyes were a little off putting at first, but after a while I had actually begun to find them quite alluring. I had never actually met a vampire however, so maybe Yoongi was right.

"Do you think that tape actually exists?" I asked while slurping down the rest of my milkshake. Yoongi scoffed at the idea.

"I don't think there's a tape Jimin," he began carefully. "But that doesn't mean I don't think people aren't going against God and the natural order of the universe." I raised an eyebrow cautiously.

"You think people are actually.." I paused before glancing around quickly, making sure no one was trying eavesdrop on our conversation. "Actually having sex with vampires?" Yoongi sighed as he leaned back into his chair comfortably.

"I just don't think people are stupid enough to record it, and stick it on the internet for the world to see."

Quickly enough, the news spread beyond school campuses and into households and and TV screens. Parents everywhere were in such outcry over the fucking thing, you would've thought murder had been made legal. Petitions were made to ban the video that no one had actually seen, and to call for the executions of the vampire and human who had made the tape.

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