C;1 - I'm here.

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I thought to myself about the angel boy I had just seen. Why did he seem so... so.. different? Different from his friends. Different from every guy I've met. Why?

"HARRY! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! YOU'RE ON OUR SIDE, OKAY?! WHY DID YOU DEFEND THAT LOSER?!" Zayn snapped at me angrily as we headed towards our den.

"I don't know.. he just seemed.. like he had a point." I answered, my mind was in it's own fantasy world.. of him.

"Zayn, leave it. It's done now. Next time Harry, just keep quiet, alright?" Liam looked at desperately as he tried to calm the fight-thirsty- Zayn.

I don't get it. Why do we have to fight? It's not gonna get us anywhere in life..

"I'm huungrry.." Niall groaned suddenly, patting his stomach with a pout.

"You just had a whole packet of large crisps." Liam stated.

Niall shrugged and Louis chuckled, "Someone get the boy some food!"

I wanted to leave before Zayn ended up strangling me so, I announced to be getting Niall's food.

When walking down to the cafeteria, I couldn't believe my luck! He was there! Angel boy!

He was alone with a pen and paper in his hand, looking like he was in deep thought. I really like the way his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration.

I didn't want to bother him but I knew I had to!

"Hii, I'm Harry." I stood at his table and he dropped his pens, shooting to his feet.

"Um, hey.. I'm Nathan." he stammered, looking at me with those eyes that for some reason gave me butterflies... the nice kind.

"I'd like to apologize on behalf of my 'friend' for earlier. It wasn't right for him to say that rubbish." I informed him with a smile, using my fingers when I said friend because sometimes Zayn doesn't act like a mate. A friend doesn't attempt to kill another friend..

"Oh.. that's alright.. I guess. I got my fair amount of stick from my mates.." Nathan shook his head, sighing.

I chuckled, "Well, if I'm honest.. Everything you said.. was true. No-one should fight. It's all stupid."

Nathan's eyes widened at my words.. Lord-he looked so adorable.. WHAT AM I SAYING?! "H-Harry. I-I-I thought y-you.. you liked-"

"-liked the swearing, punching, pointless arguments, the battling for dominance?! You think I like THAT?!" I suddenly snapped at him, angrily with my fists clenched.

His green eyes widened more, full of terror... STOP BEING SO CUTE. "I-I-I'm s-sorry! I-I didn't mean to judge you! I'm so-"

I chuckled again starling him as I plopped down next to him on the sofa, "Nathan.. don't worry. I just get angry sometimes.. I hate being in this damn gang.. I'd love to escape... but I just can't."

"I feel the same.. I love my friends.. but sometimes.. sometimes I just need to be alone.. or with someone that understands me.." Nathan whispered in a sad tone.

I placed my large hand on his shoulder and his beautiful eyes met mines, "I'm here... I'm here now.."

And I did the most unexpected thing and lent in so our nose tips were touching, taking in his cologne.. and pressed my lips slowly onto the corner of those soft pink lips, so tempting.. but I knew I couldn't do it.. i couldn't kiss him fully.

I pulled away and our wide eyes mirrored each others, equally shocked of what I've just done..

"H-harry.. I-"

but I cut him off with my finger on his lips and I smiled.. a genuine smile for once, "I'm here." and then I walked away, leaving us both to our thoughts..


{{hope that was ok:) thanks so much for reading! make sure to vote and comment! maybe even pop up in the inbox thing, I like talking to my fans:))-Tanisha .xx}}

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