That's Right! I'm a Messenger!

Start from the beginning

"I'm Hiccup and as you've heard earlier, this Toothless." Hiccup motioned to the black dragon beside him.

Jack let out a small laugh, "Hey, stop joking with me. I'm not going to harm you! So tell me your real name." He smiled at Hiccup who frowned at him.

"That is my real name." Jack bit back a laugh. "I know. It's funny. But here in Berk, horrible names are believed to ward of evil."

Jack stopped laughing as his ears heard the name. "Berk? I'm in Berk?" He was so happy that he started to fly a little bit. "This is great, now I only have to find that person and..." He turned to see Toothless and Hiccup staring at him with wide eyes.

 He then noticed he was flying. "Oh. This." He looked at them with a serious expression. "I can explain."


Jack waited for Hiccup's reaction as he told him the whole story.

"So, let me get this straight, there's another world out there. In that world, you're a spirit and you have ice powers?" Hiccup gave him a worried glance. "Are you sure you're not crazy?"

"Yeah I'm not from this world and I'm a Guardian, not just a spirit."Jack rolled his eyes as he gestured to the black dragon beside him. "Come on, you have dragons! We don't even have those." He then caught a falling leaf and froze it. "And see? My powers are real." Hiccup took it with awe. "Pretty cool, right?"

Hiccup managed to find his voice, "A Guardian... what does that even mean? You're guarding what? And why do you need to be in Berk?" Hiccup was starting to be suspicious and Jack noticed Toothless being aggressive.

"I guard our world's children. Their hope. Their joy. Their dreams." He sighed, "Look, I'm stopping Fear rule this world. Has Berk felt it? I don't know, people who have been edgy or acting like they're lifeless?" Jack took a step forward. "I was led here to Berk to find someone who can help me with my quest. You can ask me any question, but believe me. I'm not the bad guy."

Hiccup turned to look at Toothless who finally relaxed a little bit. "Toothless seems to like you so I'll hold your word for it." He turned to look behind him. "And we are having some trouble in the village. At first it was just the affecting the children... But then my elders seemed to be depressed lately. Some of them are also acting violent... do you know the cure?"

Jack shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry. I'm as clueless as you are. Our only hope is find the people who'll help me then find Pitch, the one who's causing it, and hopefully contain him."

Hiccup and Toothless shared a glance and Toothless nodded. "We'll help you find this person, come on. On the way there, you could explain more about what you are." Jack grinned and followed them into the forest.


"Welcome to Berk." Jack looked in wonder at sight that greeted him. Berk was a busy village and he was amazed at how they worked side by side with dragons. "Yup I know what you're thinking, most people have cats or dogs for pets. But here, we have dragons."

He turned to look at Hiccup. "Seriously? If they can live with humans why did they chase me earlier?"

Hiccup shrugged. "They probably wanted to smell you. You are from another world." Hiccup started to walk with Toothless by his side. "Try not to use your powers around here. Vikings tend to attack things first and ask questions later."

They almost bit my leg off and all they wanted was to smell me? Oh, come on. Jack groaned and followed him.

"And where did you run off to?" A pretty blonde girl asked as she jogged next to Hiccup. "You do know we were supposed to train. Right?" Her eyes found Jack. "And who's this?"

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