Alls fair in love and war....or is it?

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The medics had already arrived to where max was, with allen as they pick his body up and take it away. He was so confused, and angered. The creator was watching him, and could kill him at her will. Yeah, her will, shes a women. Max looks over at the syrum that was still ok. He picks it up

Max:if this is what kept my sister from your entertainment than ill do the same.

He injects the syrum in him and drops the needle. He looked around and nothing really happened

Max: well what was that for?

He feels something compeling him to the diner. He heads back in as betsy says hello, and all of a sudden a bunch of letters pop up in his eyes. The words form out to show'dreamer' and then he swats at the words. Betsy sees him swatting at the air

Betsy: max? Are you ok sweatheart?

Max stops swatting and looks at her

Max: you dont.......? Nevermind

She laughs as a whole bunch of letters appear on top of most of the people in the diner. They all have dreamer above their heads. Max was confused. He was the only one seeing those word. Than it hit him. Dreamer, dreamers are the people in the dreameater, but he thought only 12 people were in the dreameater, at least he thought thats how many people are selected. Could it be these people were in past dreameaters? And if so, why is the focus the diner, what does the diner have to do with anything?

Betsy: thinking about the dreameater?

Max looks up at her

Max: you know i am......hey betsy, any new rumors come in yet?

Betsy: nope, not that i know of, although there is one perculiar thing, everyone keeps saying that the creator isnt a male, but a female.....strange huh? And even so, whats the difference, its not like it matters whether shes a guy or not, shes still killing innocent people...

Max: i agree, but i wonder why thats still such a big fuss

Females? What do they have, that a man doesnt? Max shakes his head as he was thinking what obviously was different. It had to be something that was unnoticable. He couldnt shake the thought. He was wasting time.

Betsy: well for some reason the females always, or mostly always die first in the dreameater. I heard that she is actually phsyco, and that she kills every girl because she wants a certain man to be hers

Max looks thinks for a little, than gets up

Max: thanks bets, im going home to check out some files

He gets up and gos home. When he gets home he pulls out his sisters files. She was a lawyer, and a really good one, but the files werent that deep in. He did remember his sister would sometimes be paranoid for no reason. She always said she heard someone tell her"watch the creator". The thought sent shivers down maxs spine. He thought about it. His sister could have had problems, or someone was warning her, but of what, and why, and if so, why did the voice specifically say the creator. Did they know her or him?

Voice: you did, but shes dead, or so you thought

Max gets up pulling out his gun quickly and aiming

Max: who said that!?? Show yourself or i will shoot

Voice: hey man chill nobodys here

Max couldnt track the voice down. He couldnt make out if it was male or female as it was diguised.

Voice: oh come on max, you and i both know your sister wasnt phsyco. And you may also remember me because, her parents injected me into her......just like you injected me into yourself

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2016 ⏰

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