Welcome to Dreameater

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Max flinches for a second then reacts and gets a little scared

Max: no, no, no, no, no!! This has to be a dream this cant be real........and even so ive heard it takes an hour to gain control of your sleep!! I dont sleep that long!!!

Everybody is staring at max. Max looks around sarcastically laughs and walks away. He heads toward his houseand opens the door. Everything is there like it was never touched

Max:this is way to weird

Hellen: tell me about

Max jumps and right away reaches for his gun thats not there, only to realize that it was his sister. He lets out a sigh of relief

Max: you have no idea how happy i am to see you

Hellen: same for you, so what did it give you

Max: wait, what?

Hellen: what power did the dreameater give you?

Max: youre the real Hellen?!! No not my sister-

Hellen: listen this is my fault youre in this

Max: you had nothing to do with this-

Hellen: i put sleeping medicine in you food

He looks at her than he sits down

Max: why?

Hellen: because i know you never got any sleep and i just wanted to do you a favor, but now that favor can get you killed

Max: how so?

Hellen turns on the tv

Tv: there have been these strange sitings-

Hellen: it may be a dream but it still runs like the real world

Tv: poeple on fire but arent burning, immense strength that can lift a car with ease, its like every supervillain has decided to visit new york

Max turns off the tv

Max: so what if we bump into one of them?

Hellen: youll know

Max: how come i didnt know you were in it?

Hellen: because i saw you first. Thats the catch if i see a dreamer first than he wont know if im a dream, or a dreamer, which can give me the element of surprise

Max: wait so youre telling me the dreameater purposely does this so cops can find bodies in the morning?

Hellen nods

Hellen: so you didnt tell me what you defense is

Max holds his hand out and it starts sparking

Hellen: right lighning, well i have this...

She immediately dissapears in front of max

Max: where did you go?

Hellen: behind you

He looks back and she teleports in front of him again

Max: this is crazy

Hellen: no its not and we have to get out of here because this place is way to vulnerable, pack your stuff, were going to my place

They drive to a nice big looking house and then park there in front

Hellen: not a word to my husband

Max: hes not your husband hes just a dream

Hellen: yeah but even so they act like real humans, so we cant say anything or else he could be the reason we die tonight, understand?

Max: ......yeah......

They both walk inside the house

Hellen: honey! Im home!!

Allen: so soon?

Hellen: yeah i got off early and look who came to visit

He walks out of the living room

Allen: well if it isnt maxwell

Max: max is fine.....

Allen: oh, alright "max" why are you here visiting, if you dont mind me asking

Hellen: actually he has a case he needs to work on and we live close to it so i figured why not, hes my brother and we havent seen him in a while so he could stay until his case is finished

Allen: ok, enjoy your stay max

Max:(sarcastically) gee thanks

Max goes upstairs

Hellen: max wait ill show you too your room

Max: does that matter if we attempt to sleep in the dreameater we die, we cant do anything here, ANYTHING!! All those rumors are true, we arent safe, and all we did was pass by an hour, we still have 11 more to go! Tell me what are we gonna do!?

Hellen:  lay low and wait for time to be up

Max: even if we do survive i cant stand here doing nothing while people die. I dont think the dreameater is going to select goody two shoes people like us. Some of them are bound to be very, very bad people.

Hellen: it doesnt matter if we stay like this we'll be safe

Max looks at her than gos upstairs

Hellen: mason get me a glass of water

Mason: yes ma'm

He smirks. Max is in his room along with the papers he brought along. "Sandra Harrison, Sandra Harrison"he thought then he looked over something. She was dead there, but the night before he had seen her at the diner talking with betsy.

Sandra and betsy are talking then laugh and look at max. Max waves at them. They both look at eachother and laugh. Max takes a sip of his coffee and heads over.

Max: hey, whats so funny?

Betsy: well me and this fine young lady were having a talk, and she-

Sandra: when are you gonna propose?

Max: soon.....

Sandra: how soon?

Max: soon enough

Sandra: you always say that.....

Max: how about this, lets go home and ill make you dinner?

Sandra: spaghetti?

Max: you know it

They go to the house and then max gets ready to make spaghetti

Sandra: im gonna take a nap while you make the spaghettis, ok, so wake me when its done?

Max: yeah, uhm for sure, y-yeah

Sandra: max i know what youre thinking

Max: you do?!?!?

Sandra: yeah and i just want to say you can go at the pace you want, ill be patient, ok?

Max: oh, uhm, yeah ok, ill wake you

She gives him a kiss and she goes in the room. He digs in his pocket and takes out a box with a ring in it. An hour later hes done with dinner. Max sighs and looks at the box than go's in the room. He sees her on the bed, than he goes to her

Max: sandra? Sandra wake up dinner's ready.......

Max starts shaking her

Max: sandra?! Sandra!!!

                     (Flasback end)

"Sandra Harrison" the name that people thought was horrible. The one name that made max happy. The name that now, cant even be in his dreams anymore, its just a memory.
What a great welcome to dreameater.

Max:(thinking) pssh! Whatever......

                   To be continued

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