him & her | k. taehyung

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Information has been given out that her current state hasn't been very good as she rests in a coma, with no signs of waking up any time soon. If she were to not wake up then the driver would be sure to be filed with man-slaughter or murder, as well as the [last name] family and the Kim family are most likely to press charges.

Has we stated before Miss [last name] is in very serious conditions however she may live through it but the 9 month baby may not survive. If the baby were to survive then it would have to be [name] who has to depart. The rest is said to be confidential.

Coming up next on the Korean Idol 101: It seems that Got7's idol, Yugyeom has got in a social media fight over Instagram. Evidence shows that he was fighting with a member of BTS, Jungkook.
Continue watching after the break to find out if it was all just play or is a war between idols going to break out?"

The red-haired man growled before turning off the large flat screen TV.

"How did the press already find out!? That's totally going to help to find the culprit of this 'hit-and-run'." He clicked his tongue in irritation, his temper starting to show.

"Taehyung. Calm down, a heavy temper isn't going to help in this situation." Your mother patted his shoulder in attempt to ease his temper.

"Sorry... I'm just really agitated and worried right now." He sighed and sat down, resting his head in his hands.

"I know, we all are. She's my own daughter, these people who are all waiting here all hold a special place for her in their hearts." Your mother replied in a calming voice.

The family and friends were seated in the 'waiting room', every single one of them tense and speechless at the current situation. Tissues were scattered across the armchairs, the bin was overflowing with the material. None of them had thought it would come to this so quickly. It was all so... unexpected.

"Alright, I booked this private room, no one is going to be able to get in. The security guards are keeping the press out of the hospital and no unnecessary information will be leaked either." Your friend informed the large group of people.

"Thanks Soo-hee, I'll pay you back later if that's okay? Just send me the cheque via the mail. How much was it? 2.3 mil won?" He in-putted the reminder in his phone.

"N-no, its fine Taehyung. I can pay for it myself it's okay." She waved her hands in front of her face, back and forth.

"You sure? We can split it." He questioned.

"Mhm, I'm sure. You just worry about [Name]. Anyway... I need to get back to work. The paperwork is piling up by the second and we are getting so many phone calls about the latest gossip right now. It's really hectic considering that half of our workers are out right now." She sighed loudly while putting her hands on her hips.

"Call me if any new news comes up about [Name] please." Soo-hee then stood up, placing her black blazer on her petite shoulders, flattening her pencil skirt before slinging her small shoulder bag over her shoulder, then headed towards the door.

"Also... Don't worry, I'll keep off any information about this incident on every news channel. By the time [Name] wakes up - all the news about it will be gone. I'll leave the other details to you guys." She added, her back facing towards the group, placing her sunglasses so she wouldn't be blinded by the flashes of the press. As she walked closer to the door - the automatic door sensor went off, in that second the room flashed with bright lights from the press. Inaudible murmurs started, questioning the woman as she walked out. The security guards gathered in a tight semi-circle around the hospital entrance - keeping the public out, as the other bodyguards escorted the woman to her car.

"We need to get going soon too, our businesses are going up as well. This was meant to be our day off but it seems that it's getting too busy. Well... Handling your own business isn't always easy is it?" The man chuckled lightly, as a few more people stood up from their seats, all dressed in formal wear.

They repeated the same actions as Soo-hee with a little changes here and there, the same routine played over again.
Now sitting in the room was about 5-8 people, now less crowded than before.

Silence overtook the room once again, the lighting of the room was dimmed to a low - suiting the atmosphere of the room.

The door clicked open and entered the doctor with many surgeons. All of us stood up, eager to hear the news about [Name] and the baby. All of us spoke at once, asking repeated questions over again.

"How is she?!"
"Is she going to be okay?"
"Is she alive?"
"How's the baby?!"
"Did the baby survive?!"

The doctor sighed loudly while he pushed his round classes higher up. The action stopped all of us at once from shouting questions into his face.

"Please, calm down. I know you are all desperate to know how she is doing, but please refrain from spitting in my face." He sighed once again.

He the continued talking, "Now which one of you's are Mr. Kim Taehyung?"

The said man raised his hand to signal that he was Taehyung.

"Ah right, and where are the [Last Name]'s?" Another set of hands raised once again.

"Great, okay you are all here. So about Miss [Last Name]'s condition..."

The next words blanked out of my mind, my vision blurred as the people in the room started to become black figures. Suddenly my legs gave away as I collapsed onto the floor, my palms and knees on the floor keeping me up from the ground, my mind drifting all over the place.

The other people in the room started crying at the news, happy or sad? Were they tears of happiness or sadness?

Who knows?

• • •

lights flashing, screaming, crying and the most important of all... her.

[END] - [ 1725 ]

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I love cliffhangers! How about you?~ How'd y'all like the ending? (:

What do you think happened? Did she die or did she live - did the baby die instead? because that reaction could have been a shock of sadness or happiness.

like y'know when you get so worried about something and then the good news comes so you just kinda collapse from exhaustion - well that's what happened to tae, but is it good or bad?


✿ ❀ ✿




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