Does God Approve of GAYS?

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I would just like to start off by saying I have no problem with gays. In fact some of my best friends are gay. I think people address this the wrong way. It say in the bible that all sin is equal. So someone who is gay is just as much of a sinner as someone who lies. But we don't any protest against liers. I think they should change the protest from stop the gays to stop the sinners. If you struggle with being gay please message me and I will help for I have sinned also. I am not against gays as much as I am against my own sins. Don't hate the sinner hate the sin.

Recently there was a ruling in the Supreme Court of the United States to allow gay marriage across all 50 states and there are even some churches that support that decision by allowing members of the lesbian gay bisexual and transgender community to officiate in their churches and by performing same-sex marriages there are others who are opposed to gay marriage and homosexuality mostly on biblical grounds.

I have to agree with those churches because it is the same as adultery. If gay can't get married because they committed adultery why can straight people who have committed adultery get married. 

There are those who are confused about this subject As a result I have taken it upon myself to write this chapter in order to discuss five scriptures about homosexuality from the bible. Scripture number one: Leviticus chapter 20 verse 13 says if a man also lie with mankind as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination.They shall surely be put to death their blood shall be upon them. The phrase lie with in the Bible indicates sexual intercourse and easy way to confirm this is to go to bible gateway . com and type in the phrase lie with in the search bar and press enter. That will give you scores and scores of scriptures that use the term lie with or its equivalent to denote a sexual act

In Leviticus it also indicates that homosexuality is an abomination to the Lord an abomination is something that the Lord hates. Now let me make something clear here. God doesn't hate homosexuals he loves everyone. However he does hate homosexuality in other words God loves the sinner but hate the sin. 

Now the reason God hates homosexuality is because it is a perversion of heterosexuality. We are designed to be heterosexuals and when people become homosexuals they behave unnaturally not to mention gay couples can't have children with each other. If everyone decided to become gay today we would all die off in a generation because of the penalty of death.

Leviticus pronounces on homosexuals in Old Testament time because if two men were discovered to be sleeping with each other they would be put to death. Many people think this is harsh but it's important to remember that this was written at a time when the presence of God was among the israel in a special way. Please if you have more questions or arguments post them in the comments.

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