Will you go to hell if you commit suicide?

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You will be surprised at how often I get this question. As a matter of fact this is probably one of the most frequently asked questions I get. Many times someone has asked me this after a friend, family member, boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse took there own life and they are concerned about there eternal destiny. Will they be in Hell. The question is as simple to answer as you may suppose. Typically a person who has committed suicide is lost because they have given up hope on life, lost there faith in God and they have killed themselves.  The bible says quite specifically "Thou shalt not kill." This includes yourself.

But at the same time we shouldn't be so quick to judge because we don't know what was going through the mind of that person when they committed suicide. For example say someone purposely overdosed on drugs and then they realised they made a huge mistake and repented. But then they died because the overdose ended up taking there life. Will God forgive that person? I believe he will. In addition not all cases of someone giving up there life means that they will be lost.

For example if you sacrifice your life to save another person's life that will not cause you to go to hell. Take jesus for example. He died on the cross for our sins and he is in heaven right now. Jesus even went so far as to say in John chapter 10 verses 17 through 18 "The reason my Father loves me is that I give up my life. But I will take it back again. No one takes it from me. I give it up myself. I have the authority to give it up. And I have the authority to take it back again. I received this command from my Father."

Jesus intentionally sacrifice his life to pay the death penalty for our sins. Nobody forced him to do that. So if you sacrifice yourself to save another person's life you will not go to hell as long as you're by the christian faith. For example if your child is playing in the street and you see a car speeding down the road  and you want to push your child out of the way and get hit by the car and die. I don't think god is going to hold that against you. But regardless if you know anyone who has committed suicide I think the best thing to do is to trust in God to make the right decision about what there fate will be. Believe me God will do everything in his power in order to help them make it into heaven because he wants us to be saved.. That brings him joy. Jesus said in Luke chapter 12 verse 32 "Little flock, do not be afraid. Your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom."

Also incase your thinking about committing suicide don't do it. It's not the answer. Even though there are some cases were people regret committing suicide and God will forgive them. Don't count on you being that exception. It's not worth the risk of being eternally lost. Instead pray to God and trust in him. He will help you with whatever difficulties you are experiencing.

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