Is there no evidence for God's existence?

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                In this book I will be addressing common questions or arguements made by christians or people with other beliefs. First off a common question or statement is there is no evidence for God's existence. There really is no right or wrong reply to this statement. The actual statement itself has many problems

               It all starts with the idea of existence. Not the meaning because I know what the meaning is but the idea. What is sufficient evidence for one person is often not sufficient for another. In a court of law there are many examples of how two people can argue over the same collection of data, the same logic, and the same reasoning but how they interpret that data is totally different.

              What I'm trying to say is christians use the exact same evidence as someone of a different belief but we interpret different than say a scientist would interpret. We are using the same evidence but we have different interpretations of this evidence. So it is not an argument on whether there is enough evidence but it is an argument on how should we interpret this evidence.


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