Elderly Jody attends school for the first time in 91 years

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Word Guide for Jody, Hopefully you'll get eventually get used to it.

Hi/hey = hei
Am = em
Bye = bei
Name = naim
Feel = feal
Know = kno
Why = whi
Was = wos
Yay = yey
Already = alredi
Answer = answr
Curious = curius
Anticipate = antisapait
People = pelopos
Blue = blew
Cry = cri
Like = lik

"Yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyey" exclaimed Jody while skipping to her class. "I em veri excitid für my knew clas" thought Jody. Jody opened the wooden door and breathed in the fresh air in the classroom. "I cen feal the youth poring in mi" shouted Jody. Inside the classroom was a pretty blonde haired elderly women, a plump old hunched women, a cool old grandpa and many other seniors. Jody decided that she should talk with the blonde haired senior first. Jody went up to the blonde haired women and said, "whi is the ski blew? Jk I kno the answr alredi. Butt wut is ur naim? I em veri curius." It took a while for the blonde haired women to reply because she wasn't able to comprehend what just had happened. Finally she replied with, "Ohh you want my name? Ok sure sweetie, my name is Margaret! Nice to meet you! What's your name?" "mi naim is Jody" said Jody looking extremely happy that she had made a friend. Just then, the new teacher walked in. He was around 298 years old which seemed pretty young to elderly Jody. He had trillions and billions of wrinkles covering his face. His hair was balding and receding his hairline which was a sign of wisdom. He walked in as slow as a cheetah and moved as quickly as a sloth. Jody was very intrigued by this teacher as she had never seen someone who was slow and quick at the same time.

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