Chapter 5

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Bree sat down right next to Kaname and satires out the window along with her brothers wondering about the host club and what they were planning for tomorrows theme. To be fully honest all three of them were depressed but Bree had the hardest time leaving them. That was her home away from home because her mom always loved the twins more than her she was forgotten, the odd one out.

Only her dad and her brothers love her and she had the host club looking out for her. Bree's dad was not Hikaru and Karou's dad Bree never liked her step dad he always blamed something going wrong on her even if she wasn't anywhere near him and what he's doing. When suddenly Kaname spoke "Did you three know that we are getting new students?" "I did but I was never told what class they are going to be in or how many people are coming, do you know Kaname?" Bree replied with a small smile. Hikaru and Karou sighed they were left out of the loop again. "I think there will be 5 new students and all but one will be in the day class," Kaname knew exactly who was coming but he didn't know why they were transferring to Cross Academy out of all places.

 After Kaname's comment about the 5 new students Hikaru, Karou, and Bree had people in mind... The Host Club! It had to be them because only Tamaki could do something so rash so soon without a second thought. And where the king goes the rest follow. "WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES?!?" Hikaru and Karou ask.Before Kaname had the chance to speak he was interrupted by Bree when she let out a little squeal that alarmed the boys in the room. She did that because she could feel the presence of the five people who made her do ridiculous things on a daily basis close to the front gates. "Why don't you go and see for your selves?" Bree asked the twins with a ginormous grin on her face. The twins were shocked to say the least. They looked at each other than looked at Bree with their matching signature grins/smirks and ran out of the building with Bree not far behind. Kaname was left alone clueless about what he just witnessed but eventually decided to follow the three purebloods. 

Sorry about the long wait I don't have much free time at the moment and sorry for the short~ish chapter at least it's an update... Thank you for not giving up on this book, till next time

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