Chapter #7

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   I woke up to a loud knocking at my cabin door.
What now?
   I got out of my bed and opened the door just enough to peak me head out. I found Share, Olive, Claire, and Sam waiting patiently.
   "Good morning Faye!" Share said in her upbeat voice that made me want to smile.
   "Hello, what's happening?" I asked still tired.
   "It's nearly breakfast..." Sam announced
   "And we were wondering if after breakfast you would join our team!" Said an excited Olive.
   I was confused... Very confused. "Your team for what?" I asked then yawned.
   "We're having a huge snowball fight with, well... Everyone!" Sam said smiling even more than she already was. (if that was even possible.)
   "who's on your team?"
   "Us 4," said Claire gesturing to herself and the other 3. "Bronwyn, Millard, and Enoch."
   I smiled at the thought of him. "Sure, I'll be on your team. And I'll be at the lodge for breakfast in a minute." I said without hesitation, then closed the door.


   Share climbed up onto a large pile of snow "Is everyone ready for the biggest snowball fight this loop has ever seen!" She yelled raising her fist in the air as everyone cheered. Then I felt something hit my shoulder. Max threw a snowball at me. So I threw one back. Let the game begin...

   We've been having this snowball fight for at least an hour. The rules are you're not out until you get hit 10 times, and the objective of the game is to get the other team out. Simple right? I've been hit five times and was currently hiding behind a huge icy wall that I made. Did I mention you can use your peculiarity. That gives our team quite the advantage considering I can make snow, Millard is invisible, and Olive can fly. Granted Max can teleport, Jason can shape shift, and Avery can move items with her mind. Honestly Avery isn't really doing much. She just sits there and makes snowballs fly everywhere. Like what the heck.
   Then Enoch ran up to me. probably for the safety of my huge ice wall. I watched as he flopped down on the ground breathing quite heavily. His nearly permanently smirking face lit up when he saw me. We still haven't talked about last night. And that kiss. And how Rose had to ruin the perfection of the moment.
   "Hey." He said still breathing heavily.
   "Hey, who's out?"
   He seemed confused "how'd you know that's why I came here?"
   "Because you come here whenever somebody's out... But this time you also became tired from running around, being chased by a group of kids..." I said as if it was obvious. "So who's out?"
   "Now it's Avery, Olive, Sam, Jason, and Horace..."
   "Great we're winning!" I was about to tell him to go back out there until I realized how tired he really was. "Why don't I go out there while you stay here and guard The base."
  "Really...? Sure..."  I smiled then ran out into a world where snowballs rain down from above.

   I hid behind a tree and fell down to the ground panting.
What am I doing with my life?
   Then I heard a branch snap and shot upwards to see, ya guessed it, Rose!
   She looked me dead cold in the eyes.
(No pun intended.)
   I gave her the same glare that she gave me. Then noticed she wasn't even holding a snowball. But what I noticed next will honestly haunt my dreams. Her glare wasn't just dead and cold but her eyes themselves where pitch black. She must've noticed how frightened I was because her eyes changed back to their blue gray colour.

   "Hey Faye..." Her voice was welcoming but her previous glare said otherwise. "I just wanted to ask you if... we could be.. friends?" Her glare softened and she smiled A soft innocent smile.
   "Ummm... What?" I thought this girl hated me.
   "We got off to a rough start and-"I cut her off.
   "No one else hear wants to be your friend?" I smiled softly. "Except for Enoch of course."
   She looked down at her feet as she shyly said, "that's right..." She generally seemed sad, and I was extremely confused by this.
I legit thought this girl hated me then she wants to be my friend? No one ever wants to be my friend! Granted she's a lot like me... I thought??? Like is she playing some sort of trick on me...?
   "It's ok if you don't want to be friends..." She said quickly. Probably just to brake the silence.
   "N-no.. I do it's just, I thought you hated me... I didn't think you would ever want to be my friend. After I was so harsh on you last night I thought I'd have another person on my hate list... Oh yeah, and, by the way, I'm sorry for what I said to you."
   "Well I've learned that you can't hate people when you can easily kill them. And if you are going to live with people you don't like you have to find someone or some people to keep you steady."
   "Umm, yeah, not so sure I'm the best person for the job..."
   "I just want you to make sure I don't end up killing Avery or Emma or Jason or anyone here..."
   "Ok I'll try to help you with your anger issues..." I said jokingly then laughed.

  WAIT A MINUTE!!! Are Rosza and I becoming, friends!!! What kind of crazy alternate universe have I ended up in?!?!?!


   The wind was Cold and dry as it always was at the ledge. The ledge is what we call the top of this cliff that's less than halfway up the nearby mountains. The view is beautiful and because it's always a clear day, (unless I make it snow of course) you can see everything. The town. The lodge. Even my own little cabin.
   This was my safe place because most people hated getting up here... I heard footsteps...
   "Oh, hey Faye..." Said a conkey accent
   "Oh, ummm, hey Enoch..." He sat down beside me and looked off into the distance.
   We sat there without speaking for about 20 minutes until he said, "So... Ummm, wanna talk about the thing?" I looked over to him. He was looking down at his folded hands.
   "Uh... What's there to talk about?" I asked dumbly. "We kissed and then where about to again if it wasn't for Rosza!" I clinched my hands into fists.
   "Faye, it's not her fault... And she said she was completely ok with us..." He said then corrected himself. "I mean! Like she doesn't mind! Not like asked for her permission!
Because I didn't, but she's ok about it? I mean..." He pinched the bridge of his nose. "Do you understand what I mean?"
   "Yeah, I believe I do." I felt as if it was going to be another one of those long awkward moments so I decided to try and bring up a topic of conversation... "Hey, wanna see something cool?"
   "Cool?" I forgot that Enoch was from the past.
   I corrected myself. "Interesting."
   "Sure, why not."
I placed my hands out in front of me. They slowly began to turn blue like snow and ice.
   "Wow." He said and I didn't realize what was happening until he was holding my hand. Quickly I pulled away.
   "What's wrong?" he asked worry in his voice.
   "How are you....?"
   "How am I what?"
   "Not frozen?"
   "Wait! What!?"
   "Watch." I said calmly. I un-frosted one of my hands then used it to pick up a twig by the thickest end. Slowly I moved my still frosted hand up and tapped the thinnest end of the twig. Within seconds it was frozen solid.
   "Enoch." He looked away from the stick, his eyes landing on mine. "I think there's more to your peculiarity than you think..."


Ya like it?????
Like I like it!
But, I want to know if you like it...
So comment if you did or didn't like it.
I would love to get some feedback.
I honestly have no clue if This story is good or not.
So........  :)
Yeah....  :)
KK, BYE!  :)

Frozen Hearts     (a MPHFPC fanfic)    [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now