Chapter #1

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The ice was spreading quickly now. I wasn't even sure what I did. One second A-ok next second my mom is yelling at me because I froze my younger brother to the couch. Actually rephrase that, I froze the couch solid while my brother was sitting on it! What have I done!
"Mom! Faye stuck me to the couch!" My brother whined
"Mom!" I looked at my mom "I didn't mean to, I swear!" I knew I was in trouble but what was I supposed to say.
"Faye Elizabeth Carter! You detach your brother from that coach this instance!" yelled at my mom"
"O-ok... I-I'll try..."
I walked over to the couch and prepared myself. Slowly I tapped the top of the couch and the ice began to crack. My brother looked down at the couch as the ice began to separate, Freeing him. Once the ice was in small enough pieces for me to carry I tapped the couch again to stop the ice from breaking. I quickly started carrying the chunks of ice out to the backyard, and placed them in a large container at the side of the house. Once I was finished I walked into the kitchen to see my mother waiting for me. She stopped what she was doing and then walked over to me.
"Faye! That is the second time this month you have frozen something! I don't know what's wrong with you! Why aren't you normal!?" I looked down at my feet trying to avoid eye contact but she grabbed my chin pulling it up.
"You should be ashamed of yourself! Go to your room right now! You're grounded for a month!"
"Yes mother..." I said quietly, then left to my room.

I walked into my room (room meeting four plane walls, one door, one small window, a small-small dresser and an old wobbly bed.) then sat down on my bed. I curled into a ball and started whispering to myself,
"I'm ok, I will not cry. I'm ok, I will not cry." But then I did... I sat in my room and silently cried. I cried and cried for hours, until I heard something at my window. I wiped my tears with the sleeves of my sweater ruining my make up even more than already was. I looked outside of the window but couldn't see anything so I unlatched he window To peak my head out. But before I had the chance a barn owl soared into my room. I stared at it in complete disbelief at the small owl transformed into a woman with her dark brown hair up in some old styled buns or something and light blue eyes.
"Hello Miss. Carter, pleasure to meet you I'm Miss. Barn..."



I've been at Miss. Barns Home for Peculiar Children for a good two years now. I guess I like it here, I mean it's a lot better than living with my mom, but... The thing is no one really likes me here. The boys, (Max and Jason) call me a liar, Avery says I am to "cold hearted" and "un positive" (but why would I care what a preppy girly girl thinks), and I'm pretty sure Samantha (AKA Sam) is scared of me. The only other person is Sharron and she sees the good in absolutely everything, including my cold, purple haired, black dressed, leather jacketed, high-high tops or fake leather booted self. Therefore she doesn't hate me. But you know she's 7 (31) and I'm 18 (20), so she's kinda best friends with Sam Who's 5 (23).
But things are going to change! Due to all the problems in Europe, you know, with all of the whites and hollows and people loosing there loops, there will be a some new peculiar's coming to stay with us! So, there might be somebody that actually wants to be my friend... Though I doubt it... Anyways, these are the peculiar's that stopped the whites and everything. They're supposed to be here in an hour or two. So I hope these peculiar's are nicer than Max, Jason, and Avery...

"Faye! Faye!" Yelled Sharron, running into my cabin smiling, "they're here! they're here!"
"Share, slow down." I said calmly "Who's here?"
"The new kids!"
I smiled, stepped into my boots, grabbed my coat, and then we where running out the door...
Share ran up to Sam and I walked up to the front almost beside Avery. We all waited outside the loop entrance (a hidden, empty cave) for the new wards to arrive. Then we saw Miss. Barn fallowed by many shivering children and a woman.
"That must be miss Peregrine." I heard someone whisper.
"Hello children" said Miss. barn "we mustn't do introductions outside because if you couldn't see these children are freezing." We all turned to leave when one more kid came through out of the cave. Seeing all his friends where already walking to the lodge I ran up beside him.
"Hi." I said shyly "I'm Faye." I turned to him and saw he had a small grin on his face. He looked at me and said in a Scottish sounding accent.
"Hi, I'm Enoch."

So how'd ya like it? I spent so much time writing this and will post the next chapter in a week from now
(next Wednesday)...
Tell me what you think in the comments! :)

Frozen Hearts     (a MPHFPC fanfic)    [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now