b r i d a l s t y l e

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I saw the door open and y/n on the other side of the screen door. She looked, well, awful. She was shaking, then her face lit up for half of a second when she saw me. She then fainted. I tore open the screen door and rushed into the living room. "Y/n!" I picked her up (a/n: bridal style *snort*) and put her on the pale orange couch. I sat in the squishy lavender armchair. What is going on? Why did she faint? She'll wake up soon. Suddenly she yelled and sat up really fast. "Y/n! What the (that's a bad word) happened?" "Uh..." She sat right facing me, looking down at the floor. A tear spattered against her pant leg. What the

'THE SMILE EMOJI' Dan Howell X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now