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(That picture lol) A few days later I had made a collab with Dan and Phil. I was about to finish editing it when I got a text from an unknown number. It said:
'(Y/n), he doesn't belong with you. I know your feelings for him. Let him go. -someone dangerously close'
And me being the anxious person I am freaked out. The first person I thought of was Dan. But I didn't have feelings for him. Did I? I shook it off, trying to pay attention to the editing, but it was frightening. That night I called Dan, and when I heard his voice I felt better. Phil needed him for something so we hung up. I felt lonely after I couldn't hear his voice anymore. I felt like I needed him. Who would try to break us apart?

Things are getting good now! Be prepared I am a dramatic loving person so brace yourselves for the rest of Dan and your life together (however long that may last, bwahaha). ;) Calsee

'THE SMILE EMOJI' Dan Howell X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now