Mind Reading

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"Don't mind us we're just spilling our guts" -Get Scared

A relationship is a fight to reach the perfect balance of giving and getting. The situation is that someone usually turns into a parasite. It's difficult to reach this certain place, some part of a person that hides vulnerability. The part that is willing to give everything for another person. It's hard to keep this place accessible in both people.

We take this little part of a person and we call it their capacity of love. Some people have a larger capacity than others. I think that it takes a certain person to open another, even add to the amount of love a person thinks he or she can give.

A relationship ends when someone is expected to give off more than they can for someone, or more than they want to. People are, for the most part, made of greed. They want to take everything and give nothing. They want someone to be ready for them all the time, and get hurt when that doesn't happen. They want to keep secrets and still have complete loyalty from another, and they expect to either lock up their hearts and get all of someone's love in return, or bare their hearts to someone who isn't interested and has made that clear.

These are the kinds of things that damage love. Constantly forcing yourself on anyone you see- it's the worst way to end up getting rejected. Almost everything rots, eventually. Not everyone takes this into consideration. Instead, they rush into things and hope that the other person wants to be just as fast, or they hold back too long and miss their chance.

Timing ends up being one of the most important factors. If you truly know someone as well as you claim to, you should know the exact pace at which they wish to live, and you should know when they want, and when.

This is not mind reading. This is knowing someone in the deepest way possible- being familiar with their core and understanding their thoughts about their future. This is seeing how much of you they expect on their horizon and seeing if you want the same amount of them.

It's called being aware of your best friend's feelings and understanding what you both want to happen next.

There are some things that you should just be able to tell, if you know a person right, but people like to pretend not to see signals and get what they want the second they want it.

It's terrible to want to give someone everything and have the person proove to be undeserving. It's awful to hide yourself from someone, hoping that they will come and find you and ending up sitting all alone with nothing but the echoes in your head.

If you love someone and want that person to love you just the same, you need to be the one who gets it. If you are too impatient to wait for that to happen or are too frightened to allow it to happen, then you might let someone you cared about strongly to float away.

And that, to put it lightly, would suck.

-Bumblebee 🐝

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