Choosing Zayonna

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Beauty POV

   The love of my life, the father of my child, my heart, my headache, my protecter... here he was standing in my face and I couldn't register it. I know it's him, but my minds racing and I dont know what to do. Slap him for taking so long, hug him because I miss him, yell because I miss him, so many emotions, but I had something more important in mind.
I grabbed his hand and placed it on my stomach. With a slight push Yonna kicked, and his face lit up, and he embraced me. Feeling his arms wrapped around me was something I longed for, I missed the security, the warmth, hearing his heartbeat , knowing little olee me made him nervous gave me a warm fuzzy feeling I enjoyed. He picked me up and kissed me , every emotion we felt was in that kiss. He explored my mouth, and his hands roamed my body, It felt good to be touched, know I was wanted, but this couldn't happen. Pushing back I slid off him, and got my self together.

Zay: leave with me

Me: he said he'd kill me and Zayonna...I cant risk it...and yes I know who you are, but it's a risk im not willing to take.
   My heart broke seeing his face, that one sentence broke him , and now I could really see how he felt. He looked lifeless, tired , like a lost puppy. If I could go I would, I wanted to go, I felt as if I was picking between my life and my childs , my love for him and my love for my the end I am always going to pick her.
    Zay POV
   I understand where she's coming from, but something selfish in me wants her, I need her. The life of my child was more important than my wants, so I wouldn't push it.

Me: I understand , can we talk?

Beauty: of course.
   We walked to the food court, and I let her get everything she wanted, got me something and we sat down. I missed her, touching her, being inside her, kissing her, eating her, sleeping with her. This girl was my everything and there was no way in hell I was leaving Atlanta without her.

😆 Quick update, what y'all think?

he gonna get her home?

y'all know he run shit

he gonna put everybody on game?

What's gonna happen to Handsome? 🤔



New chapter coming soon

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