Chapter 21

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We turn the corner and I immediately collapse to the ground, crying my eyes out.

"He's gone," I whimper. "Gone. Dead."


I know it's Enjolras shaking my shoulders.

"Leave me here," I shout. "Just leave me here to die!"

"I'm not leaving here without you, Mademoiselle," he tells me on an urgent tone. "You stay here and you'll get us both shot. Is that what you want?"

I slowly shake my head.

"Then come on," he insists, pulling my arm.

"I can't..." I stutter. "I can't move..."

"Come here."

He puts one arm behind my back and the other under my knees. Before I can even protest, I'm up in his arms, pressed against his chest.

"Let's go, okay?" he whispers in my ear.

I slowly nod as he starts running towards the barricades. I look over his shoulders and see that the national guard is close behind. I hope he won't get shot because of me. Shot... Like Montparnasse. Dead...

"Like Montparnasse," I let out, my voice broken. "Because of me..."

I feel him start to rub my back lightly as I press myself harder against his chest.

"We'll be okay, Mademoiselle," he says.

I look up.

"And how would you know?" I ask.

"You're here because of me," he says, not looking down. "I won't let anything happen to you."

Enjolras suddenly stops dead in his tracks. I look in front of us and see three guards holding a gun at him while others are starting to form a circle around us. I tense, but Enjolras doesn't flinch even if I hear his breathing getting faster.

"Where are you going?" a guard shouts.

"To the barricades," Enjolras answers without hesitation.

I try to get out of his grip, but he just tightens it.

"And the girl?" the guard continues.

"Same place."

"Not a good place for a Mademoiselle, if you know what I mean..."

The guards are all around us now. We're going to die, here. I can feel it.

"Better than stuck on this side with you guys," Enjolras spats.

The guard immediately looses his smile.

"Look, Monsieur, we could shoot you down this instant."

"Do it," Enjolras says while gently setting me down. "Save me the trouble of shooting your ass later."

"You little bastard!"

They both take a step forward, glaring at each other.

"You scared, officer?" Enjolras shouts, defying him.

The guard raises his gun at Enjolras' face, fire burning in his eyes.

"Enjolras, don't," I tell him, grabbing him by the arm.

Enjolras reluctantly takes a step back. The guard raises an eyebrow.

"You're Enjolras?" he asks.

"What do you care?" Enjolras snaps.

"You're the leader, am I not mistaken?"


"Tell you what, Monsieur Enjolras," the guard says, lowering his gun. "You tell your friends to drop this little act and surrender and I'll let you two go. Sounds good?"

I feel Enjolras tense by my side. He slowly grabs my arm and pulls me behind him even though there are guards in every direction, pointing their guns at us.

"No," Enjolras suddenly says.

"I'm sorry?"

"I said no. This is about more than me. More than us. This revolution will change everything. It's not up to me to decide."

"So you'd let me shoot you right here, right now, just to give your friends the chance to get shot later?"

"Enjolras..." I start.

"You can shoot me, officer," he replies, ignoring me. "But good luck with my friends. They are fighters. They fight for what they believe in, whatever the cost. Just like me."

Enjolras takes a step forward again, eyes locked with the officer's.

"Promise me one thing, though."

I see a smirk appear on the corner of the officer's mouth.

"What's that?" he asks.

"Take the Mademoiselle away."

"Enjolras, no," I protest.

"Take her away," he continues. "Far away from here. She has nothing to do with this. She just lost a friend moments ago."

Hearing that last sentence makes my heart break all over again.

"Enjolras..." I try again.

But it's too late. I feel a set of hands surround my waist as they start pulling me away from Enjolras.

"Monsieur!" I shriek.

"It was nice meeting you, Mademoiselle," he tells me without turning around.

I elbow the guard holding me in the stomach and run to Enjolras, wrapping my arms around him desperately.

"You don't have to do this, Monsieur," I whimper. "Call it off. It's not worth your life."

He looks down at me and smiles, eyes gleaming.

"Oh, but it is, Mademoiselle."

I feel a set of hands grab hold of me again and Enjolras doesn't make a move to stop them.

"Please!" I beg. "Monsieur, please don't..."

I struggle to get free, but I can't move my arms. He smiles sadly.

"You'll get to see the new Paris," he tells me as I'm being pulled away. "When I'll see you again, beyond the barricade, you can tell me all about it."

The guard turns me away and starts to drag me around a corner as I try to look back towards Enjolras. But I can't. We turn the corner just as the gunshot is heard. I hear a body collapse to the ground as I shut my eyes to stop the tears from flowing out.

Two people I knew died today while I was there. Both were trying to save what they cared most about...

I'm suddenly released and pushed to the ground. I spin around on my back as I see the guard pulling out his gun. He aims it at me and places his finger on the trigger. I close my eyes.

Both were trying to save what they cared most about...

And both might have failed...

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