Chapter 18

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I turn the corner as the procession arrives at the bottom of the street. The students are already there, holding flags by their side. Red. Blue. White. They're everywhere.

I spot Enjolras standing in the crowd, looking frantically around. He seems agitated and really nervous. I make my way towards him and grab hold of his arm.

"Monsieur," I say.

He turns around in a flash.

"Mademoiselle Eponine, Dieu merci, you're here. Have you seen Marius?"

"No, not since earlier."

"He was supposed to meet us at Café Musain and now he's not even here. Mademoiselle, would you mind going to look for him, s'il-vous-plait? I would go myself, but..."

"You're needed here," I finish for him. "I understand. I'll see if I can find him."

I start to turn away.

"Tell him to hurry," Enjolras adds. "We can't hold this parade forever."

I pick up the pace and head towards the market place. I need to find out where Cosette lives, because that's where Marius must be. If someone knows anything around Paris, it's the merchants.

When I arrive at the market, I see it's almost empty. That's weird. Usually it's almost full at this time. But the merchants are hanging their heads low, gathering their stuff.

"What's happening here?" I ask one, probably some sort of herb vendor.

"They shut us down," he says.

"What? They can't shut you down. It's a free market."

"Pontmercy wants to build something here. I swear, that old man only thinks about himself."

Pontmercy! That's it! I knew I heard that name somewhere. Monsieur Pontmercy is a rich bourgeois who spends his old days investing in different projects. This must be his latest one.

"But where are you suposed to go?" I ask.

"Ha! Funny!" He starts to chuckle. "I'm not telling you, Mademoiselle Thénardier. Your papa doesn't need to know where we're heading so that he can just rob us there."

"He's not my papa anymore," I mumble.

"You can't dismiss family, young Eponine, not matter how much you try. It's in your blood."

And with that he gathers the rest of his stuff and turns to walk away. Great, well that didn't turn out the way I had imagined. I run up to him.

"Wait, Monsieur," I say. "Do you know where Cosette lives now?"

"Why do you care?" he snaps.

"I'm looking for a friend."

"Montparnasse is at his place."

"Not him," I snap.

He rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. She lives around rue Plumet, alright?"

And then he's off. Well, he seems... nice. I hear the drums picking up at Lamarque's funeral processing and instantly start to make my way towards rue Plumet. Enjolras is counting on me. He believes in me. I can't let him down.

I turn the corner in a flash and bump into someone. A very blonde and girly someone. Oh, no.

"I'm sorry," she says, seeming distracted.

"I, umm... It's okay."

She turns around and seems to notice me for the first time.

"Do I know you?" she asks.

"Umm, no. I don't believe we've met before."

I start to nervously play with the bottom of my dress. She can't remember me, not when I'm looking like this.

"Yes, I know you," she exclaims. "I knew I saw your face somewhere!"

"Cosette, I..."

"You're Mademoiselle Marie, the baker's daughter!"

I'm so in shock I think my jaw actually dropped.

"Oh, don't make that face," she says. "I see you through the glass when my papa goes to buy some bread. I thought you'd be better dressed, though. Oh, are you doing like Monsieur Marius? Pretending to be poor?"

I totally ignore her comment to sease the occasion.

"Marius, yes, I'm actually looking for him. Have you seen him?"

"Last I saw him he was anxious about some revolution. And then he heard the news about his grand-papa's investment and went to lock himself in his place. I haven't seen him since he..."

"Thank you, Mademoiselle," I say, before starting to run in the opposite way.

"Have a nice day, Marie," I hear her call out behind me.

Oh, yes, 'Marie' is definitely having such a wonderful day...

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