Chapter 8

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"Wait," I say, suddenly stopping in my tracks. "This is..."

"Café Musain," Marius finishes for me. "ABC headquarters... Come on."

"I thought this place was off limits to the rest of Paris..."

"Let's say you get a private tour," he replies with a grin. "I can't leave you like this. You need help."

He starts to walk forward as I firmly grab him by the arm.

"Listen to me, Marius; I definitely do not need any help. Especially not from you."

He spins around and grabs me by the arm I'm holding him with. He gently detaches it from his, but keeps it in his grasp.

"It's okay to accept help sometimes," he lets out. "It doesn't make you weak."

He lets go of my arm as I look at him with incredulity.

"Then, what does it make me?" I ask.

He smiles.

"It just makes you human," he replies. "Now, will you let me help you?"

I hesitate.

"Do I have a choice?" I finally reply.

"No. Not the way I see it." He smiles. "Look, I won't force you to do anything. But, I will at least strongly recommend you at least give my friend Combeferre a chance to examine you."

"He's a doctor?"

"A student, actually."

"Students don't usually pay attention to girls like me..."

"I do."

"You're... different."

"Good different?"

I raise my head and look him in the eyes.

"We'll see," I reply.

I walk pass him and push open the doors to the Café before he has time to respond. As soon as I lay my foot through the door, all falls silent. All eyes turn on me as I suddenly feel very small and frankly out of place. A guy suddenly clears his throat.

"And who might you be?"

I open my mouth to answer something probably very stupid, but Marius beats me to it.

"She's with me," he replies, arriving behind me.

I feel his hand gently touch my back as I shudder slightly.

"Okay, what's all this..." a boy starts. And then he spots me. "Oh..."

"'Oh'?" I repeat. "That's the best you could do?"

"Sorry, Mademoiselle. I'm just not used to see girls here."

He shoots a look at Marius.

"Enjolras, have you looked at her?" Marius snaps. "What did you want me to do?"

"Combeferre!" Enjolras shouts.

And suddenly a dark blonde haired boy arrives behind Enjolras, dropping a couple books he was holding on his way here.

"Yes? I'm... Oh."

I sigh.

"Really? You too?"

"I'm... I'm sorry. I don't know how to-"

"She needs help," Marius interrupts. "Do you think you can do something?"

"Well..." He looks at me from head to toe and instantly looses his smiles. "I'll see what I can do. Follow me, umm...?"

"Eponine," I reply.

"Oh, you're Eponine? Alright, well, come on up, Mademoiselle."

"I'm coming with you," Marius announces.

"No, I need you here," Enjolras cuts in. "You already missed a lot."

"I'll be fine, Monsieur," I say, starting to walk up the stairs.

My legs start to fail me and I suddenly feel two arms grab me from behind.

"It's okay, I got you," Marius whispers in my ear.

I let him help me up and grab Combeferre's hand for support.

"It's alright, now," Marius tells me before I let Combeferre pull me away. "No one's going to hurt you here."

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