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While staring at me and I can't help but to sweat because of nervousness

"You still look so beautiful my dear, how can a human like me hated you before. I'm so sorry Baekhyunie"

My eyes widen as she said those words and I can't really utter even a single word

Suddenly she hug me and pat my back

"Please forgive me for all those mean words I have said to you before, you dont know how much sorry I am after realizing all those things I've done before. I'm reallt sorry"

She parted our hug and stare directly at my eyes and I can see how sincere she is right now

"Of course I forgive you Mrs. Park" I stated

"Thank you, I hope we can get along well this time and just call me Auntie or Mom I don't acceot formality from my future son in law"

Did she say son in law? 😰 I was still pacing out when Chanyeol approach me

"Hey! Have you heard mom? She said let's eat" he snap at me

"Ow sorry...but may I ask you first something?"

"You dont need to ask I already know later I will tell you"

While we're eating Chanyeol's sister and mom never stop asking random questions like

"How did Yeol get you back"
"Why did it take too long before we get back to each other"
"When will they meet my parents"

I am so nuch flattered by them cause I can saw their sincerity in every single words they utter

After eating Chanyeol brought me to his room. We lay on his bed hugginh each other

Chanyeol POV

I'm so happy that everything went well as I expected

Well I know that my mom and my sister already accepted Baekhyun years ago but too bad we're not together that time

"Yeol-ah you haven't told me how your mon and noona already accepted me"

Oh I forgot to tell him, I pull him closer to me before I speak

"Ahm it happens years ago after we broke up"


Its been 5 months since Baekhyun and I broke up

They said he and his family already went to a new place away from here

Since the day we broke up I haven't talk to anyone seriously even to my family and friends

My grades all went down I even fail some subjects because of what happen to me and Baek

I was pacing out when I suddenly heared a knock on my door

"Chanie honey its mom can I come in?" I did not respond but she slowly opens the door and went in

"Hey baby please talk to mom, what's wrong? You haven't eat properly and your grades are failing" I just stared at her blankly

I cant help but to feel anger towards her and my dad even to my noona

"I know it hurts honey and I'm sorry we're sorry" my mom said as she went closer to my bed where I am lying

"Sorry mom? Do you know the meaning of that? Sorry for the words mom but I don't even wanna look at you after you calling me and Baekhyun a disgust and even wanna disown me because I am a gay! I don't know mom, I guess I will just chose to die  rather than being in a family who don't know how to respect!"

I stated and now I can't help my tears from falling. I stand up and about to leave my room but my mom pull me and hug me

"I'm sorry Yeolie, please let mom explain" she cries and tightened the hug

"I tried, I try to say sorry to Baek but your dad he threatened me that he will divorce me and take you away from me if I let you go back to Baek"

After my mon explains everything that she really wanted me to be happy with Baek and she knows how good influence Baekhyun to me

- End Of Flashback -

"And after 3 months my mom decided to divorce my dad cause he hurt my mom physically"

His eyes widens and he bit his lips that made him look so cute

"He rea-really hurt your mom?" He asks

"Yeah I saw him once, and when they got separated my mom turn mine and my noona's surname to Park again" I stated, yes my mom is a Park and my dad is a Won

My name before is Won Chanyeol and I disgust it now

"But where's your dad?"

"Not far away from here, I still went to him sometimes... Ahhh enough questions for now"

I said and went to his top and aimed his moist and sweet lips

YOU'RE ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now