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One cold winter night, sixteen year old Katie was home alone. It had been snowing all that afternoon, but had just recently stopped. After studying a couple of hours she decided to rest a little. The television was positioned in front of one side of the glass sliding door that leads to a patio and the back yard. By midnight Katie's parent still hadn't come home and she was gripped with fear because from the corner of her eye she could have sworn she caught a glimpse of a very strange looking man staring at her standing outside of the glass door behind the television. Katie called the police and soon there was a patrol police not far from her house. The police showed up and Katie told them about the stranger who was standing outside, staring in through the glass. The police opened the glass sliding door and looked around. They explained to her that there could not have been anyone standing out there, as there would be footprints in the snow. As they were about to leave, one of the cops noticed something behind the couch. There were wet footprints on the carpet behind the couch. She hadn't seen the man outside the door, she'd seen his reflection when he was standing behind her.

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