forty six

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Part 3: Enid's Logs (FILTERED)

[November, 2013] THURSDAY, 28th

JoylessLushClub – starts: 2:34pm

Client requests a private video-chat. His camera is aimed at a large flat-screen TV playing my least favorite moment from the movie "a Serbian Film." I am almost positive this is that masked asshole again but then the client grabs the webcam and turns it to face himself, revealing a young Asian guy in what looks to be a college dorm room (either that or an exceptionally disgusting motel that had unframed Dali prints on all of the walls.)

"Isn't that fucked up?" he asks, nodding at the TV. I tell him yeah but when you consider what the Serbian people have been through, it's clear that the film is actually a poignant metaphor for their struggles. It's just not something that I ever cared to watch again, if he didn't mind.

"Oh my bad," He says, sounding genuinely apologetic. He switches the TV off and turns back to the web-cam. "So..."

"Would you like me to take my shirt off?"

The client unbuckles his belt. "I would like the shit out of that."

I remove my shirt and ask if he wants me to rub baby-oil on my breasts. "Hell yeah, and can we lose the panties too?"

He pulls off his own underwear and I start to apply the oil as he says, "I'm so glad there's actually someone on here on Thanksgiving. I was SO fucking bored."

"Right? I was worried there'd be nothing but total creeps on here today..."

"Yeah, I bet," he says and nods. "Show me your feet."

Ends: 2:55pm [21 mins]

[December] TUESDAY, 17

iLikeFrogs – 8:45pm

Client requests that I "scurry around the room" while wearing nothing but my plush Pac-Man mask as he sings an acapella rendition of the Miss Pac-Man theme song, occasionally speeding up the tempo which is my cue to chase down as many ghosts as I can before time runs out.

The client imitates Pac-Man's death-melody with pitch perfect accuracy as he climaxes.

Ends: 8:59pm [14 mins]

[January, 2014] SATURDAY, 4th

LEGION R US – Starts: 4:00pm

The masked fuck is back.

Client sends a chat-request which reads simply "strip naked." The familiar wording immediately tips me off and I don't respond. He resends the request and I tell him to activate his camera first. He does so, revealing a kitten in a cardboard box. After a beat, the masked man leans into frame, holding a lit blow-torch.

The request appears in chat a third time and I quickly begin to undress. "OKAY, you sick bastard! I'm doing it."

He switches the blow-torch off and then lifts the box containing the kitten, revealing a scarred wooden table on which the masked man then sits, balancing the box on his knees as he begins to undo his pants.

The words "COME ON, WE BOTH KNOW YOU CAN STRIP FASTER THAN THAT" appear in the chat window.

I scowl at the fucker and yank down my panties. The masked man begins to masturbate as the kitten peaks its head out of the box and meows at him.

Another message appears in the chat-window: "YOU'RE SO SEXY WHEN YOU'RE DISGUSTED."

Ends: 4:07pm [7 mins]

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