thirty six

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My grandma told me this story. Some family lived in her village. There strange things happened over and over again. They had a little boy, and, all of a sudden, he came to disappear. For instance, had sat he at home, kinda in full view of everybody – and all at once – he was absent!

They found him in the most unexpected places: behind stove, in a chest, under benches. It happened outdoors too. For example, father was holding his son's hand, let it go for a moment, looked – he was not there. Sought through the neighborhood – found in the most unpredictable place. Of course, the kid couldn't explain his transfers.

There was another puzzle. They often heard someone's voice in their home. Hardly they sat down to dinner, some murmuring was heard near the stove, someone begged food. Looked over the stove – nothing. Once housefather lost his temper and squirted hot cabbage soup towards the stove. They heard one's cry: "Ouch, you've burnt Bobby's finger!"

A great while the family had been tormented till they dared appeal to official bodies. Policemen came, surrounded the house, but hardly they intended to inspect every corner the doors was burst open and a huge black dog leapt out towards them. One of police officers managed to whip out a pistol and took a shot in the running away dog. Nobody knew had he made a good shot or not – the dog escaped. But a short time afterwards people found a dead old woman thereabouts. Nobody in the village knew her. It's not known whether she had respect to the family's misfortunes, but after that case all devilry ended. 

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