Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

'Don't be a hypocrite. You don't trust him entirely either,' a little voice in her head reminded her. It was right. She hadn't once felt as though she could tell Tristan about her stalker, heck at times she still wondered if he was her tormentor. But after seeing how much he worried about her safety and well-being it was clear that there was no possibility of him being guilty of stalking her. As she walked back inside the school buildings she realized that there was a high chance of her leaving the school without ever finding out who had been stalking her this entire time. Could she live with the question forever? Even if she was away from the school she knew this was something that would follow her throughout her life.

With this in mind she came to the conclusion that there was no way she could leave the school tonight. First she had to do her best to get closure with this whole stalker ordeal and then she had to help Tristan tomorrow with the plan. No matter what he said she would stay. She knew he couldn't physically make her leave, unless he kidnaped her and that was highly unlikely.

With everything going on, Sienna lost her appetite. She also wasn't in the mood to face everyone in the cafeteria. She wouldn't be able to act as if nothing was going on when she knew what kind of fate awaited the students. Parry would also probably be there and he was too observant. He would know right away something was up with Sienna and she didn't want to keep lying.

Sienna decided the best option was to head to her room where she could be alone. She had things to figure out and even if she wasn't planning on leaving today, she still had to pack for whenever she and Tristan made their escape. She had to be ready. She also had to come up with a plan on how to make Tristan see that it was best for her to stay behind with him and help. He was hard headed. Once he set his mind on something it was impossible to change it.

A voice full of authority projected itself from the speakers. Sienna paused her walking and payed attention. Even the few students who were lingering around the halls stopped to listen.

"Attention everyone: In order to prevent the spreading of the new I2O2 virus that has been circulating the atmosphere, the Health Department has provided us with a compulsory vaccination that every student over the age of twelve years of age must receive. Injections will be administered from the hours of eight a.m. until three p.m. The procedures will be held in the school auditorium. Groups will be called in one by one in an orderly fashion. All groups must be accompanied by the teacher assigned. Students must remember to bring in their ID card. Staff will also receive the vaccination. It is mandatory for everyone. We count on your cooperation and understanding during tomorrow's event. Classes will be cancelled for the day seeing as vaccinations may cause slight nausea or dizziness. That is all for now. Thank you for your attention."

Chills ran up Sienna's spine. She recognized the lady's voice. It was none other than Mrs. Hale. How could she announce something that had so many horrible consequences so emotionlessly? How could she agree to be part of destroying these student's lives?

As much as Sienna didn't want to believe Tristan, the evidence had spoken through the speakers. Everything Tristan had said was happening. It was only a matter of time now before they administered the injections. She didn't know what the plan was exactly but she hoped Tristan acted quickly. They were running out of time. She also wished she could speak with him right now. She hated having to keep everything she knew bottled up.

'Go to your room before you have a panic attack.' She told herself as she forced her feet to move forward. There was no sense in causing a scene in the middle of the hall. That would just complicate things.

As she walked to the stairs that led to her floor she passed the bathroom and realized she had to use it. She went in and stopped when she heard an unpleasant sound of someone throwing up. She suddenly got a sense of Deja vu. This was just like the other day. Since she really had to go she tried to ignore the sounds as she relieved herself and then washed her hands. The sounds continued and just as last time she found she couldn't let it go. Someone was seriously not okay in there.

She knocked on the bathroom stall and waited. The vomiting stopped for a few seconds. Sienna knocked again, quicker this time.

"I'm fine," said a weak and throaty voice from inside. Why did it sound so similar?

"No you're not. Open the door, please," Sienna replied.

"Sienna please go away," and that was when it clicked. That was Ana's voice! Was she sick again?

"Ana this is the second time this week that I found you throwing up. You're not okay. Open the door," Sienna tried again.

"I can handle myself," Ana argued after clearing her throat.

"I'm not leaving until you open the door," Sienna told her hoping that would convince her. There was a long period of silence and just when Sienna was about to give up, Ana unlocked the stall.

She looked just as bad as the other day. Her hair was all over the place, her eyes had bags under them and she looked like she had been crying. She ignored Sienna as she made her way to the sink where she washed her mouth and hands.

"Ana what's wrong? Why have you been sick?"

"It's none of your business, Sienna." Ana's reply was rude and cold.

"Of course it is. We're friends," Sienna said sincerely.

"Are we?" Ana asked with a raised brow. She quickly tried her hands with one of the paper towels and proceeded to walk out of the bathroom. What was it with people walking away from her today?

"Yes we are and as your friend I want to know what's going on with you, Ana. You can trust me. If there's anything you need please tell me," Ana ignored her and kept walking away. Sienna caught up to her though. "Are you pregnant, Ana? Is that why you're throwing up so much?"

"What?! NO!" Ana said in outrage.

"Then why are you throwing up?" Sienna asked "If you have a stomach virus then you should be excused from classes. Have you seen the nurse?"

"Sienna stop! I don't have a stomach virus," Ana denied. She had stopped walking and wouldn't meet Sienna's eyes. Sienna could tell she was hiding something.

"Then what's wrong with you? People don't just throw up." Sienna was standing in front of Ana trying to get her to look up. Finally, she did but the sadness in her eyes was so great that she almost wished she hadn't.

"I-I-I'm...anorexic," Ana confessed.

A/N: Another chapter up. We're getting close to the end guys. I can't believe it. What do you think of Ana's revelation? Were you expecting it? What is Parry planning? Will Tristan convince Sienna to leave? What will happen at the 'vaccination event' tomorrow? Stay tuned for more!


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