Chapter 34: Hang it High

Start from the beginning

"How?" Dominic asked, poking my dad's shoulder some more.

"His blood is stronger, so it's easy to pull more of him through the window," Bernard answered while he looked at the bowl as my dad slapped Dominic's hand away again.

"I thought you said we could only see through the window, not pull someone out?" Aiden asked.

"Let's just say that this a window only meant for me because of what you did, that's all you need to know pup," my dad answered. "It's how she's been talking to her father along with a few others."

"So we destroyed the tree," I said.

"Oh that's good news," he answered.

"Yes but we think she's looking for another portal," I replied. "The one that Hagan had. Did he have one? Did he have a pack or a marker before they killed him?"

My dad took the coffee from Derek's hand that slightly shook. "Thank you," he said with a nod before Derek butchered the words, 'you're welcome,' back to him.

He took a sip then sighed. "The short answer is he could have. My father told us stories about how he lived in a mountainous area. He liked to go up to them, up to the sky where it was literally closer to the moon and 'meditate.' I mean who the hell really knows? Thinking of someone like Hagan meditating is almost laughable. But he did live in an area for a long time while they searched for a way to end his brother, so I would assume he had a marker if he could have to mark his land and his territory."

"Where was it?" Andrea rushed out. She blushed slightly and smiled nervously. "I'm uh, I'm Andrea. Jaxon's mate, I–"

"She's my best friend," I injected.

My dad nodded with a soft smile. "Well then come here, I suppose that makes you like family then."

Andrea's eyes widened but her feet mechanically carried her over to my dad who gave her a side hug while Caden's wolf looked like he was going to fall over. "Uh, thanks," Andrea breathed out.

"To answer your question," my father said while Andrea leaned against the island. "We did know actually. It was the one thing we knew because our family likes to make sure we are constantly reminded of what we were stripped of after Hagan died, which was everything.

"It was here," my dad sighed out. "After the brothers killed him and looked for the land the 'moon blessed them with,' they more or less went after Hagan's claim. He had a large one, so they took what was his and made it their own–kind of like a big 'screw you,' to him."

"So they split it up?" Evan asked.

My dad nodded. "They did. Some of the brothers didn't. Families like the Quickfoot's and Clawfoot's went away somewhere else, but the four other families obviously did not. It's not a coincidence that you're packs, all from direct lines, are in the same area."

"So do you know where the marker is?" Caden rushed out.

My dad shook his head. "I don't, do you have a map?"

"I'll get it," Aiden said, turning to run over to where he and Talia's bags were.

"Dad, do you know why she has them or what she's doing?"

"Well, probably to open that portal if there still is one which I have a feeling with our luck there is. I can't imagine another reason for her to have them–all alpha's from direct lines. My brother has been more or less evading my grasp. Finally, our line was able to make friends with some of the others–"

"Look at you making friends," Dominic teased.

My dad growled lowly at him, it was playful but it made many of the wolves in the room jump. "Anyways," he drawled out. "We've been working together to find him. More shadows are escaping from places they should not which means he is trying to get something–or specifically someone out. I doubt he would still be trying to do that if all the ways for him to cross realms were destroyed."

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