Chapter 6

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Hey Everyone,

As you all have realized, I really suck at updating. But I've decided to put myself on a schedule to update at least once a week and if that doesn't workout then at least once every two weeks.But I promise no more two months in between updating.

Picture of Zena on the side ---------------->

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Chapter 6

Cameo's POV

The night before I left felt like yesterday. The morning after that night, she had come down to watch me leave, but, we didn't say anything to each other. I hugged her, but, she did not hug back. I wrote and called every week for two and a half years. She wrote back and returned my calls for six months, and then stopped. I never got over that, I thought she hated me. It wasn't until four months ago when I decided to transfer, did I find out the reason.

I walked down the hallway and stood in front of her room door. I wasn't sure whether or not I should knock or just walk in. I prayed that Dakota wasn't in the room and decided to just knock. I heard footsteps coming towards the door, then the next thing I knew the door swung open and I saw a girl's back retreating back to one of the beds.

"Geez Kota, did you forget your key. I could have sworn you took it" the girl said.

I walked into the room, shut the door, and leaned against it. I watched as the girl picked up one of her books and started reading it.

"I'm not Kota" I said kind of amused.

She looked up from her book and her mouth dropped open a little bit. At that moment it clicked for me. This wasn't just some random girl. It was ZitKala. I was stunned, after eight years, she grew up. I knew she wasn't going to be that small little girl, but this person I saw in front of me was all I had imagined and more. Kala was always beautiful to me, but, now she was gorgeous. Her hair was dark brown, almost black, styled in wild waves. Her eyes were brown with a little bit of gold in them just like I remembered. Her skin which was lightly tanned before I left was now a pretty bronze color. She was wearing a pair of jean shorts, so I could see her long, slender legs as they were stretched out in front of her. She slowly closed her book and shook her head. She laid the book down on her bed and stood up. I could now better see her body. She was tall but nowhere near as tall as me. She has curves that most girls would kill for. I slowly traced her body with my eyes until they were back up to her face.

"ZitKala" I whispered.

She took a step hesitantly towards me.

"Cameo" her voice shook as she said my name. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes.

I took a step towards her and unconsciously opened my arms for a hug like I always use to. Everything fast forwarded after that, she ran into my arms. I picked her up and wrapped one arm around her waist and the other around her shoulders. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I put my head at the crook neck breathed deeply. She put her head down on my shoulder and started to sob. I held her tighter. She held me tighter. She smelled so good, like vanilla and cookies. I smiled she still wore the same perfume, God, I missed this scent. It always smelled better on her, then, it did on anyone else. After a little while Kala pulled back a little bit and put her forehead on mine, the way we used to when we were younger.

"Hi, Cam" she said

"Hey, Kala" I said back

We looked into each other's eyes for a few more seconds, and then I put her down on the ground, wrapped both of my arms around her waist, and hugged her again. She hugged back, and then stepped out of my arms.

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