Chapter 5

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Hey everyone!

Sorry, it took so long to upload a new chapter. School had me super busy for a while. But now I'm on break and I'll be able to devote a little more time to the story, =). So, be on the look out for new chapters.

P.S. Read, Vote, and Comment. It's greatly apperciated =).

P.S.S Picture of Ryan on the side ------------------------->

Chapter 5


I lay on my bed, looking at the wall for about an hour, pretending to sleep whenever, someone came in  

the room. I just needed time to think to myself. Cameo, my Cam, is here. After eight years, I could finally see and talk him. I wonder why he came back, and I can't believe the people who adopted him let him come back. They were vehement in leaving New Jersey, and never coming back. They, especially, didn't like me. They saw me as a person who was "hindering him from moving on" their words not mine. They just didn't understand the fact that the need to find our parents murders was the most important thing to us. That's why I'm majoring in criminal justice to become a detective.

I still remember the day before they left. His new parents pulled me aside, and said that mine and Cam's fight to stay together was lost, and that I should just forget about him. They said if I really cared about him I would just let him go. They didn't know the kind of bond me and Cam had. We met because our parents' deaths, but that wasn't what our relationship was based on. I loved Cam; I still do if I'm honest with myself. I just could not get that last night out of my mind. What if he had really moved on? What if he hates me because of that last night eight years ago? No, I just can't face him right now.


ZitKala 12 years old POV

"If you really care about him, then let him go" Those words have been playing over and over in my mind for the last three hours, since Cam's new adoptive parents said them to me. They were taking him to Missouri. That was approximately 1200 miles away from here, definitely could not visit him on the weekends. How was I supposed to just let him go? He's my best friend, the one person who understands me, and I him.

I have been avoiding Cam, since his new parents told me that. Every time I would see him, I would walk the other way. Or if he tried to talk to me I would end the conversation quickly and walk away. Every time I did something like that I would see the hurt and confusion in his eyes, my heart would break a little each time. "Don't cry" I told myself, "If I endure this now then it will hurt a less tomorrow". I may be losing him, but I will not stop working towards the goal Cam and I made. I will become a detective and I will find out who killed our parents. Working towards that goal should help numb the pain, which I will undoubtedly feel after he leaves.

At that moment I look up and see Cam walking towards me. I get up and start walking away from him. I can hear him start to run after me, I feel him grab me by the arm and spin me around to face him.

"Oh no, you don't Kala, not this time" he says slightly out of breath,

"What are you talking about Cam" I reply back

"Don't play stupid, you think I don't know when something is wrong with you. I've known you too long to not know when something is not right. You've been avoiding me all day. What's wrong? Tell me" he pleads

"Cam, seriously, I have no idea what you are talking about, now will please let me go I have homework to do"

"Fine, I'll let you go for now, in fact I will leave you alone for the rest of the day, but I want you to meet me up on the roof at 1:00 am tonight" he says while letting go of my arm

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