Chapter 2

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Hey everyone, here is chapter 2.

I was going to wait but I wanted to put a chapter from Cameo's point of view also.

Oh and there is a picture of Cameo on the side------------------->

Corbin is not exactly what I pictured for Cameo but it was the closest I could get. Of course you guys can imagine your own Cameo :).

  Chapter 2

   Cameo POV

It felt so good to be back in New Jersey. It took forever to convince my adoptive parents Devon and Natalie to let me attend school, so far away from Kansas City. At first they didn’t understand why I had to move back. I needed to be close to my parents. I needed to find their murderer. When I told then that, they understood, and let me come. Another reason was the off chance I could see Zitkala again. They didn’t know that part, but it was a reason too. I’ve missed her so much this past eight years, more then I ever thought. I pray that she goes to this college, but seriously what are the chances of that happening. She’s super smart, she could go anywhere she wants, and so I doubt she would be here. That still didn’t stop me from hoping.

I put my thoughts aside, and pulled my suitcase from my car truck, and slammed the trunk door. I headed toward the dorm lobby. University of New Jersey had twice as many students living on campus then Rockhurst did back in Kansas City. I searched for my room assignment sheet, grabbed it and looked at the room number, 316 the sheet said. I quietly groaned to myself. I would have to climb six flights of stairs with luggage to get to my room. I walked through the noise and sea of bodies to the staircase. Before, I started up the stairs. I heard some girl yell “Kalalalalalala”, I instantly thought of Zitkala. I sighed to myself and muttered “If only I were that lucky”, and headed up the stairs.

I walked into my room and saw my roommate already setting up his side of the room. “Hey” I said, “I’m Cameo, your new roommate, but you can call me Cam if you like”.

 The guy turned around and put his hand out to shake my hand, I took it, and then he introduced himself. “Hey, Cameo, I’m Ryan, Is this your first year here?”

“Yeah, I transferred over from Rockhurst University in Kansas City, Missouri”.

 “Wow, that’s a long way from here, why did you switch?” said Ryan.

“I needed a change of scenery” I lied; there was no reason to bog this guy down with my sob story.

 He laughed “Well, yeah, this is definitely a change of scenery”.

I smiled, he didn’t launch into a series of questions like everybody else did. I just might get along with this guy.

“Well I’ve got to go down and grab some more stuff from my car” said Ryan.

“Ok, I should probably do that, too, but I’m just going to settle in first”.

“Alright” he said and then he walked out the door. I walk to shut the door and I hear him shout “Hey, Cameo leave the door unlocked, ok”.

“Sure” I yelled back and shut the door.

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