But she too had become concerned about her abilities to fight after her match with the Valour and Elite courses. She had been of no use whatsoever, barely able to attack or defend, and instead, let Markus brutally eradicate anything that got in the way. The truth of the matter was, Combat Practice... Actually sounded like it would be a fairly good thing to involve herself in.

And if she got to spend some time alongside Adrien... All the better.

"I... Actually like the sound of that." She admitted, surprising Alya pleasantly. "I want to be a better fighter too... Maybe I should give it a try."

It was a silent respect that Adrien held when people seeked to improve themselves as fighters and as people, respect he now felt for the blue haired girl he considered to be his friend. He gave her a warm, toothy grin. "Sounds like you and I have similar mind-sets."

Due to being one of the few students who had his Hero costume already made, Adrien was permitted to wear it during the Enrichment session, which he happily accepted. He'd dashed out of the room and Teleported back in, fully dressed in his combat themed dark costume, face mask and all included, covering up a lot of his face. Crosscut, whom was leading the Enrichment class, complimented the costume, saying that it looked cool. Everyone else who lacked one was in their gym clothes, Marinette included.

Excluding Adrien and Marinette, the blue haired girl counted nine there. Markus being one of them surprised her, since there didn't seem to be a thing that he would need practice in. Maybe he just enjoyed breaking things. Brynne was another student there, and she, along with Marinette, kept her distance from the explosive Trait user. Both were able to engage in conversation, and bonded over their mutual lack of ability to do a damn thing on the battlefield. It was about as depressing at it sounded for both of them.

Adrien recognised the Abnormal Rex, but he was sat done of the peers, not really in line with the rest of the students there. His eyes were closed tightly, almost like he was asleep, hiding the cog-shaped Irises that made him unique among his peers. He wondered why that was, why he wasn't up alongside them, but he didn't ask. In truth, he hoped that Combat Practice would translate to sparring matches. He looked forward to a rematch with the Technopath.

Alongside him, was the Primal Fleisch. Upon seeing him again, Adrien shook his hand, complimenting him on his victory over him, since he'd never gotten to officially say it. The two were able to express a mutual respect for one another's abilities on the battlefield, Fleisch especially impressed by the tenacity Adrien had displayed. He didn't reveal Marinette's crush on Adrien to him either, respecting the blue haired Human girl's privacy.

Finally, there were two other students. Specifically, they were a pair of twins that took on draconic like appearances, each sporting sharpened ears, akin to elven creatures from fantasy novels, a long, scaly tail, and large, dragon-like wings, both varying in colour. Both were girls of the age of fourteen, being accepted into the CFD due to certain actions they had taken outside of school that they didn't want to divulge into. Well, the one talking didn't want to explain why they were accepted a year early. One of the two of them was far more quiet and reserved, whereas another one was far more outgoing and talkative.

The social one went by the name Dae Burndhart. She was a very energetic individual, who seemed to be like Adrien in a sense, always itching to get into a fight. She had boundless energy that she wanted to convey in the form of combat. Compared to her sister, her orange, bright wings, along with her tail, were rather bulky, and her build more muscular. Her hair was a bright shade of carmine red, which was cut off just before it hit her shoulders. She also seemed to have a few marks of battle, or 'Badges of courage' as she called them, including a short scar that went underneath her right eye, which were a darker shade of crimson red.

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