wwe ♔ reigns hate

109 31 7

I'm so fucking sick of all of the hate Roman is getting. It's okay not to like him but to fucking boo him every fucking time he comes out is fucking ridiculous.

Oh, and don't get me started of this bullshit chant "Roman sucks" first of all. Half of the people booing him fucking sits their unemployed asses on their couch doing absolutely nothing while Roman is out being successful.

I know this affects Roman in some type of way and it's bullshit, this man is away from his family and friends, putting his body on the line day and night for some bullshit fans to disrespect him.

I fucking hate it, you can't hear the cheers over the boos. This man deserves respect and doesn't get it. Bullshit is what it is.

               Bri xxx

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