wwe ♔ roman and sasha

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Tonight's Mixed-Gender tag team match was fucking perfection.

Roman and Sasha (Of course a fav ship of mine) vs Charlotte and Rusev

The match was just phenomenal, the way Roman flew over the Women and perfectly executed that spear just fucking shocked me. Like he fucking flew like... SUPERMAN!

Roman "I can leap over The Boss and The Queen to nail a bomb ass spear" Reigns

Sasha was getting annoyed with the crowd for not cheering for Roman, that's so adorable. It's like she's cheering on her big brother.

And may I mention how adorable Roman and Sasha look together? I can't fucking even with their cuteness.

That moment Sasha makes Charlotte tap almost the same time Roman nailed the spear.

[Me]: -tears up- I think they have something special guys.

The Legit Empire Bitch

The Legit Empire Bitch

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