Winona positioned the stencil and after getting an approving nod, she quickly did the transfer and got started. It was a simple piece, and only took twenty minutes to ink the anatomically correct shaped heart over Nico's own heart. The lines giving it the effect of looking like it was glass or crystallized.

Nico grabbed the mirror and stared at it, pleased with how it had turned out. "Looks great." He praised Winona, but she just hushed him and sent him out front while she did cleanup. Nico went into his own studio instead. "Give me your arm." Will held out his arm. "The one with the tattoo on it, idiot."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Will held out his arm as Nico wrapped it up. "Why didn't you just do that before?"

"I told Alice I would let her see it when I was done." Nico explained, quickly finished up, than grabbed some to wrap his own. Will had to help due to the awkward placement. "Thanks. I have to clean up, but you can either stick around or head home." Nico said, pulling on his shirt and washing his hands. He put gloves on and threw out the needles in a special bin and stuck the machine in a sanitizer. Will moved out of the way so he could disinfect the floor and the tray all the tools were on before chucking his gloves and turning to Will. "Alright, ready to head home?"

"Sounds good." Will followed Nico back out into the front.

"Finished your makeout session?" Alice teased Nico as he paid.

"Honestly, Alice. I should just fire you." Nico threatened half heartedly. He waved goodbye to Alice and headed out to his car. "I'm sorry if Alice made you feel uncomfortable."

"Are you kidding? She seems like an awesome person. Race you to the flat?" Will asked and Nico nodded, hopping into his car and getting a head start while Will was still running to his truck. Nico didn't get very far because he had to wait for a spot to pull out into traffic and in the meantime Will was now right behind him. It was a tight race, but Will had managed to cut in front of him just before they had pulled up to their building.

"Shut up." Nico said when they were walking up the stairs together.

"I didn't say anything!"

"You were thinking it."

Nyx was waiting at the door when they got to their flat, and Nico managed to scoop her up and hand her to Will before she got too far. Will laughed and thought it was cute, but Nico didn't like it, knowing he would have to deal with Will if she ever did escape.

"So I was thinking we could bake cookies?" Will suggested. His stash had run out and he didn't feel like going to the store.

"We? Or me?" Nico shot back, amused.

"Well, okay, mostly you but I can help." Will insisted. "I'm really good at licking the bowl... So is that a yes?" He looked at Nico hopefully.

Nico sighed, unable to say no to that face, especially when said face was holding a kitten. "Go wash you hands." He instructed, doing the same. "Can you grab the flour please? It's in the bottom shelf over there." Nico pointed and Will complied as Nico grabbed the mixing bowl and a fork.

It didn't take long, and soon he and Will were rolling the dough to plop on the tray. Will set a timer on his phone when Nico had stuck them in the oven. "If we raise the temperature, they would bake faster." Will mentioned, and Nico just shook his head, smiling at the blond.

"Doesn't quite work like that. You can wait fifteen minutes, it's not that long." Nico pulled out his phone to play games while they waited, but Will just flopped on the floor in boredom. Nyx came and climbed onto his chest and stood on Will's face.

Flatmates - Solangelo AUWhere stories live. Discover now