
Justin woke up to the sounds of people moving around. His eyes fluttered underneath his eyelids before he opened them, only to be blinded by the brightness of the hospital room.
"And so he rises." He heard someone chuckling and he instantly recognised the voice as Jordan.

He pushed himself up as he opened his eyes again, this time a little slower than before so that he had time to adjust to the light. He smiled at Jordan who was no longer in bed with him but standing up and buttoning his shirt across the room from him.
"What time is it?" Justin asked tiredly, rubbing the sleep away from his brown eyes as he looked around the room for a clock to tell the time. Jordan lifted his wrist up and checked his watch before replying.
"Five past ten." He replied and Justin's eyes widened slightly at the time. He doesn't normally sleep this late and it confused him how he managed to sleep that well and long in a hospital bed because nobody sleeps well in the hospital.

Jordan fixed the sleeves on his shirt so that they fitted a little better before he walked over to the bed and sat on the edge, reaching out and grabbing Justin's hand and planting a sweet kiss on the knuckles causing Justin's cheeks to brighten at the gesture.
"You look so cute when you sleep. I wanted to take a picture but I no longer have a phone, if got smashed up in the accident." Jordan spoke and Justin blushed once again and he looked down at his lap to hide his face.
"Not that I'm glad your phones broken but I'm glad you didn't take a picture." Justin playfully smirked and Jordan laughed as he stood up front the bed and walked back over to where his things were.

Justin furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he noticed a small case of clothes sat on a table across the room. He hadn't brought it here with him last night and he definitely didn't think Jordan left the hospital to go and get them.
"Hailey brought us both some clothes but she couldn't stay. You didn't say she was visiting?" Jordan spoke up, answering Justin's internal question and causing him to look up at him quickly.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry it must have slipped my mind..." Justin trailed off as he scratched his head tiredly. He looked up when Jordan didn't reply and was met with an annoyed expression on his fiancé face and he gulped. There he goes again, annoying Jordan with stupid comments.

Jordan leaned against the table where their clothes sat and motioned for Justin to come over to him with his finger and Justin pouted slightly, unsure of what to do.
"Come here Justin. I'm not going to hurt you." Jordan chuckled as if that statement was totally stupid and Justin licked his lips before immediately obeying Jordan's command and standing up to walk over to where he stood.

He felt cold almost immediately as the sheets well from his body. He was still dressed in last nights clothes but they were now crumbled and not very appealing. He looked a mess. His hair needed washed along with a good brush and his clothes looked like they had been dragged through a edge backwards. He still looked tired and he began to think maybe his sleep wasn't as good as he had first thought.

He stood in front of Jordan timidly. His eyes glued to the floor and his hands clasped in front of him. He twirled his thumbs as he waited for Jordan to address him and he whimpered when suddenly he felt himself being grabbed roughly by the wrist and pulled aggressively into Jordan.

The older man removed his strong grasp from Justin's wrists and replaced it so that he was now gripping hard on the biceps. Justin winced as he looked up to face Jordan, he didn't know what he had done wrong and why Jordan was hurting him, in fact he didn't even know if Jordan knew he was hurting him.
"J-Jordan, you're hurting me..." Justin squeaked out. His voice was barely a whisper and he was frightened the statement would anger his fiancé even more.

Jordan gripped Justin's arms tightly and seemed to pull him up so that he was closer to Jordan's height and faced him fully, the attempt causing Justin to press up on his tippy toes and straighten his posture. Jordan scoffed and then dropped him roughly, the sudden move coming as a surprise to Justin and he didn't have him to settle himself back on the bottom of his feet probably and he rolled over his left ankle causing him to stumble and fall on his bottom. Justin cried out in pain and rushed to hold his now aching ankle.

Jordan licked his lips before quickly bending his knees so that he was crouching down by Justin in panic.
"Shit Justin, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that." He spoke quickly as he pushed Justin's hands away so that he could check his ankle. Justin looked over at him, a tear falling from his eye as he stared at him sadly.
"You said you wouldn't hurt me." Justin mumbled, his voice cracking as he did so and Jordan nodded as he ran his hand over the swollen ankle.
"I know baby, I promise I didn't mean too." Jordan told him as he looked down at Justin's eyes with sorrow and Justin softened as he looked back down at his ankle and he sniffled.
"Am I interrupting something?"

Both their heads snapped up immediately at the sudden new voice. They looked at the source with equally shocked expressions as Jason stepped into the room, his eyebrows furrowed angrily as he looked down at Jordan and Justin on the floor. Justin's cheeks tainted with a few tears.
"Mr McCann. What are you doing here?" Jordan spoke out suddenly causing Jason to turn his attention to him. He licked his lips as he answered.
"I just came to see you're well. Although it seems you are, Justin is not?" He questioned as he turned to face Justin again who had wiped away his tears. Jordan nodded.
"Um yeah, he tripped over my foot and fell down. I was just checking his ankle." Jordan replied and Jason stared down at Justin, not seeming to acknowledge what Jordan had said.

Justin looked up at him with hesitant eyes that were slightly wet with tears and Jason opened his mouth to speak.
"Are you okay?" Jason asked suddenly and Justin nodded immediately.
"Y-yeah. I think my ankle will be fine." Justin stuttered and he watched as Jordan straightened his legs and stood up, he looked down at Justin and reached his hand down for him to take. Smiling when he did and he pulled him up slowly.
Jason watched Justin carefully, his eyes travelling over to Jordan who seemed to be concerned for his fiancé and he rolled his eyes at the sight before turning his head to ensure none of them saw.

Justin stepped back a little so that he was behind Jordan and he peered over at Jason over Jordan's shoulder.
"You're always getting hurt Justin. I hope that there will be a time where I see you and you aren't injured." Jason spoke over at him, he seemed to ignore Jordan's presence as he aimed the conversation towards the brown eyed man standing shyly behind his fiancé and Justin smiled small.
"There will be." Justin replied and Jason titled his head back as he stared at Justin intently. Their conversation seemed to mean something more to both of them than Jordan noticed and Justin made sure that Jason knew he'd be okay because he is okay. Jason just needed to believe that.

Jordan looked at Jason and then turned to face Justin, his eyes narrowing at the exchange between them and then he looked curiously back at Jason.
"He's got me to protect him." Jordan spoke out and Jason's attention fell on Jordan and he didn't miss the hint of jealously in his employees voice.

He cocked his head to the side and he nodded.
"Well, protection goes so far. Justin's the one that knows what's best." Jason replied, his eyes flicking over to Justin for just a second before looking back at Jordan.
"And he does know what's best." He spoke and Jordan remained silent as he stared at Jason. He was confused slightly by what the blue eyes man meant and it irritated him that his boss seemed to indicating things to his fiancé.
"Yeah he does." Jordan spoke back, his voice calm and collective but was nowhere near to the extent of how Jason executed his words. Jordan spoke with a shaky tone and not was almost as if he were intimidated by Jason and the thought made Jason dance inside.

Jason knew men like Jordan and he knows he's no good for Justin. He just didn't know what he's going to do about it yet.


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter.
If you did then comment your thoughts!
I'm going to be putting like character collages as the picture from now on haha so hope you like Justin one!
Until next time

P.s What was your favourite moment from this chapter?

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