"Who are going to..."

"Nope. You'll see in a few minutes." Josh said and pulled me with him out of the car. Harry pointed on an airplane that was just about to land.

"There it is, I think." He said.

I started going towards the entrance, wanting to know what or who my surprise was. Maybe they had brought some of my favourite artists that they knew? That would be amazing. I turned around, expecting them to follow me but the only one that followed me was Josh. I looked at the others in question with raised eyebrows.

"We would just create a chaos, and I don't believe that would be a good idea right now. Josh and you are famous enough. We'll wait here." Louis explained and leaned against the car. He turned to Josh.

"But I would love to see her reaction. Maybe you could film her?" He said and laughed. Josh laughed and shook his head.

"I wouldn't be that cruel." He said and went in with me with an arm around my shoulders. Did you know drummers have very big biceps and amazing arms? Because, they do.

We walked inside and managed to get to the arrival departure without getting stopped by a single fan. Josh would never tell me who it was that we were waiting for, so there were no idea of trying.

I liked surprises. Especially the ones where you don't need to wait for very long and the ones that turns out really good in the end.

Like seeing your best friends you haven't seen in many weeks coming out from the doors at the airport.

"Bella! Ciao, Amico!" Sam shouted in an Italian accent, running towards me with her hand luggage. I wondered where the rest of her bags were, but caught her as she jumped up in my arms.

"What are you doing here? How did you come here? Where is Chels? I've missed you! Why are you speaking Italian?" I shouted, my voice going high pitched of happiness. She didn't answer, because another person I knew came up from behind her, pushing a huge trolley loaded with almost five bags in front of her. It was very much like Sam to let her take her bags to, just so she could run to meet me first.

"Chelsea!" I shouted, knowing she wouldn't let Sam come visit alone without bringing her along. She laughed and let go of the trolley to hug me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, hugging them both tight. I hadn't realised how much I missed them until then. I really, really needed my two best friends with me. The boys and the entire crew were great and helped me through everything, but I needed those two more than anything. I was getting emotional because I knew that everything would be okay with them right there, with me. Even if only for a little while.

"I got a phone call, I fangirled like hell, I called Sam and fifteen hours later we were on a plane to Barcelona!" Chelsea explained, taking for granted that I was understanding everything, just like always.

"Yeah, I understand completely, thank you." I said sarcastically and laughed. She rolled her eyes and did a better explanation.

"Okay, Zayn called. I gave him my number before we left - not like that!" She corrected herself when she saw my raised eyebrows. "Just in cases, like if you would need us across the world or something. He called and told me that he was worried for you and that he thought you could need your friends, friends that know you better than they do. They fixed tickets and it wasn't any trouble to fix with uni and stuff so here we are!"

Zayn called them because he was worried for me? I had told everybody that I was okay, and I was. Kind of. But I figured now that I really missed, and needed, my friends.

"That still doesn't explain why Sam is speaking Italian." I said and looked at her. She looked down and blushed, something that wasn't normal for Sam, and Chelsea talked again, laughing a little.

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