"Why? What's the new password?" Frank asked, pushing himself to his feet.

Tyler stayed low. He looked down at the ground, clutching his papers close to his chest. Finally, in a voice barely audible, he replied. "What I am..."

Confusion flashed across Frank's mind before realization set in. The others had even spat it at Tyler like nothing.

"Since when?" Frank asked.

Tyler shrugged, "I have no idea. It wasn't changed before I went for extra transfiguration help..." He looked at the wall in a way that made Frank feel terrible. Even people in his own house mocked his blood status, just for being born to muggle parents. "I think they charmed it, or something..."

Tyler looked down at the ground again. Frank looked at the wall. There was no way he was going to say that word. No one could make him say it and, if that meant not entering the common room at all, so be it.

"Guess we're stuck." Frank shrugged, earning a curious look from Tyler. "Feel like sleeping in the library?"

A soft laugh escaped Tyler's lips as they curved into a confused smile. "Books for pillows?" He asked.

"The paper back ones work best, I have experience." Frank grinned.

Tyler's smile had fully formed, but it dropped a bit. "You don't have to suffer because of me being too weak to say it." He whispered, "I'd understand if you'd like to go inside."

Frank shook his head immediately following Tyler's words. "I was taught to never discriminate against someone for who they are, blood or whatever reason. I don't want that word to ever willingly come out of my mouth for any reason."

The smile curved back on Tyler's lips. "Thank you, Frank."

Frank smiled in response. "C'mon, I know a real quiet corner to doze off in." He said, wrapping an arm around Tyler's shoulders as they began to move back up the steps, away from their common room.


Gerard stuck his tongue out of his mouth, absently, while going over his astronomy notes. He was sat next to Patrick, who was observing Max and Elisa while they practiced charms.

"Just try it on me, see if you can nail it." Max encouraged Elisa as she pointed her wand nervously at him.

"I don't want you to end up hurting yourself!" She exclaimed, "Maybe we should try a different charm."

Max shook his head. "Just one go! You won't hurt me, I swear. Just remember the counter spell."

"I'm going to use a different charm, I'm too afraid of hurting you!" Elisa said, steadying her stance. "Get ready." Max looked ready to argue, but Elisa spoke before he could. "Rictusempra!"

Laughter immediately burst out of Max's mouth as his hands shot to hold his sides. He doubled over, unable to control his outburst.

"Tickling charm!" Patrick exclaimed from where he was sat on the floor against the armchair Gerard was sitting in. "I thought you were going to go for confundus?"

"O-o-orig-ginal pla-a-an!" Max gasped between his short breaths in the laughter. He had gotten down on his knees and was falling onto his side with a red face.

"I think he may pass out." Gerard commented with a laugh building in his own throat. The laughter was contagious.

Elisa pulled her wand back with a squeal, spewing out apologies as Max gasped for air on the ground. She knelt down next to him with worry as the sound of the common room door opened.

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