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He's gone. As much as you still have Faith that he's gonna magically appear later on in life,


I'm tired of hearing about him. Every fucking time I talk to you, he pops up. And the one time I ask not to talk about him, you think I'm mad at you? No no no. Back up. I asked not to talk about guys because I was already under enough stress. Maybe I should've let you think I was mad at you. I just don't get it. Ya know? We're only teenagers. We're not supposed to have our lives figured out. But you seem to think you know it all and know how it's gonna go. And maybe that's not the case. But I'm sick and tired of only hearing about him. You have school. You have friends. I know art makes you happy. I know you love music and I know you're in band. There are all these things that are 10000x better and that are gonna make you happier than he did. He's not your world. He's another heart ache along with many more to come. Stop acting like he's going to be your last "lover." he will not be. He's gone. As much of a bitc I sound like right now, I'm just fucking tired of it. But go ahead and say "oh, but you don't understand. No one will. You don't know what love is like" BITCH NEITHER DO YOU CHILL YOU'RE 13 CALM YA TITTIES LIKE SURE GO AHEAD DATE AND SHIT BUT DON'T SAY "if I'm dating you I see a future with you" um no! Chances are you were just another tissue he used and set aside. I know he talked about the future with you and I know you guys were "in love" but Jesus Fuck it's been 8 month already. He's probably off liking another girl now. You have the right to like other guys too don't act like he was the only one for you. Everything happens for a damned reason just FUCKIN accept it damnit. At least my friends who are in relationships right now aren't a mess. We're in middle school. Sure, go ahead and date that's cool and all but don't take it so damned seriously like let it happen love IN THE NOW DAMMIT YOU'RE MAKING ME PISSED OFF AND PRETTY SOON IM GOING TO JUST DROP YOUR ASS AND YOU WONT HAVE ME TO CRY TO OKAY IM DONE WITH THE SHIT QUIT PLAYING THR VICTIM YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING VICTIM.

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