2// love???

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You know... It makes me feel sorry for people who refuse to understand my point. You got this friend. She's dating this guy. His parents dont approve. Youd think that'd be enough, wouldn't you? I give her props though. For fighting for "love." but you know what.

We're still teenagers.


Dating someone is fun. Isn't it? You shouldn't have to constantly worry about if they'll still want you. But we're young. It's not like we're getting married anytine soon. Calm down. Slow it down. We have our whole enite future ahead. Im not saying not to date. "Break" some hearts. Do a little damage. Make your mark in this world, ya know? You can't love anyone without loving yourself first. Others will come next. Yikes. Love. What is it? You don't know. I dont care if you "love" him/her or really like them. You dont know what love is. We have an idea of what it is, and we have a pretty good understanding, but love takes time and it doesn't happen whenever you claim to feel that feeling. Wait a while. You haven't got sure found your soulmate yet. You're what. 13? 16? Doesn't matter. We're still kids. Take it slow. Life is beautiful. Dont spend it worrying about stupid boys and shit. It's not a necessity to have a boyfriend/girlfriend all the time. Date while you're young, that's great. Just don't have high expectations. Take it day by day. Everything works out how it's supposed to.

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