Every Science Fiction Story Ever Written

Start from the beginning

A shy girl who blue tinted skin and a wrinkled forehead but otherwise totally hot and human appearing lowered her eyes and turned her head in embarrassment. She was very cute with just enough alienness that it was hot and not like gross. Plus... tits!

"Anyway, I thought I'd send you guys off with some exposition before you go on your way. Congratulations, this is the final class. You're all now officers of the Earth Alliance Force. From now on, you'll be assigned to ships. Enjoy a life of adventure exploring the galaxy, which sounds really cool when I say it like that, but is actually tedious, boring, and monotonous. I mean, seriously, at best, it's like being on a submarine. Google that stuff. It's not pleasant."

Everyone in the class hooted and applauded as he dismissed them. Joe Starscape stood up, ready to leave the room.

"Joe, stay behind for a bit, I've got some more exposition and characterization for you."

"That's good, we've already gone a page and we haven't established me as the manly protagonist who doesn't follow the rules."

"Well, that's what I wanted to talk to you about, I heard that in your training sessions, you don't play well in a team, frequently break the rules, and overall are horrible... at least compared to what we'd need as an officer in an army-like fleet."

"True, but I get shit done!"

"I have incredibly high expectations for you, especially in the footsteps of your war hero father who died in the first contact war. Could you by chance listen to the rules and be a little more civil?"

"No, screw that."

"Ok... well how about I make you the captain of your very own ship!"

"I deserve this."

Later, Joe left the teacher and began walking towards his new ship. Despite being a fresh-faced cadet, he was now captain of one of the Alliance's newest and bestest ships.

"Oh, my god, is that you Jenna? We used to have a relationship two years ago, but now we don't." Joe was in shock when he saw her in front of his ship.

"Being a half blue alien, half human... I've lived my life faced with criticism and prejudice from both species. Even though I have a deep hatred for you that's actually deep-rooted and repressed love, I took this opportunity to be your science officer for this ship."

"Does that mean you'll be doing any science?"

"Hell know, mostly I'm here to flash my boobs and add sexual tension to every conversation we have while making life-or-death decisions."

"I wouldn't run my ship any other way. Can you introduce me to the rest of the crew?"

"Of course. You have the one doctor who is responsible for surgery, family practice, dentistry, OB/GYN, biochemistry, physics, molecular biology, cellular biology, nursing, and he'll head off on away missions too, because why the hell not? His name is Martue."


"Then there is the "security guy". He's the baddest ass on your crew, and the first to get punched out every time an issue arises. His name is Brick."

"Sounds reasonable."

"Then we also have fifty other random crew members who names you don't need to know."

"Are they all wearing red?"

"You know it!"

"Fantastic. Let's get this ship on the road!"

Martue, Brick, Jenna, and Joe all board the ship with fifty other nameless crew members.

"What's the first mission, Captain?"

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